Advertising Account Planning
Although there are numerous advertising texts available to the advertising student today, few focus solely on account planning and even fewer view the digital landscape as permeating every aspect of advertising. Advertising Account Planning in the Digital Media Landscape seeks to bridge that gap by providing a strategic understanding of what the account planner does, a thorough explanation of the kinds of research needed for the account planning process to be successful, and all explained within a digital media mindset. Written in an engaging manner, Advertising Account Planning helps students understand the job of an account planner in this contemporary moment. From data analytics to building a creative brief, this core text systematically covers the tools and skills needed to be a successful advertising account planner. Features: Teaches advertising as consumer engagement using the POEM (paid, owned and earned media) model Covers a range of research techniques including databases, free social media monitoring tools, and customer mapping and critical analysis of ads Illustrates the strategic process that culminates in developing the creative brief Incorporates interviews from industry professionals to give a sense of the actual job Includes assignments, discussions and additional readings