Gifted and Gone
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. (Philo of Alexandria) A friend with AIDS is still a friend. (Written on a school building in South Africa) A real estate agent was showing an elderly woman a house in a bad neighborhood. As they headed up the stairs, there were boys next door yelling "Rocks and Blows! Rocks and Blows!" The elderly woman said, "Ain't the boys nice. They are telling people to lock their doors, lock their doors. This is a nice neighborhood." The real estate agent replied, "Yes maam." (Told to Ralph Reed, a real estate agent, by one of his colleagues) Book Reviews: This collection of quotations sayings, poems, etc. is an insight to the personality of Carol Giles. Like you can't stop eating Jays potato chips, you can't stop reading Carol's quotations. (Marilyn Burk, Assistant Principal) With Streetwise cutting wit, Carol Giles captures not only the sarcastic edge of the West Side of Chicago's North Lawndale neighborhood, but insights into the humanity in us all. (Howard Gold, English Teacher) This is a very intelligent collection of material that utilizes the principles of prose, poetry and verse to convey thought, provocative witticisms that are refreshing and memorable. (William Somerville Jr., M. D.)