A Pained Life, a Chronic Pain Journey
In the blink of an eye, the most agonizing pain imaginable. And the authors life as she knew it was gone. The diagnosis was Trigeminal Neuralgia. And then, after months of spontaneous and constant pain - Chronic Pain. Ms. Levy takes us with her on her journey from who she was to who she became. We experience the fight with herself, the pain, and often the medical system itself, as she reaches out for relief and acceptance. "A fascinating story, honestly told and courageously lived." Stephen S. Hall, N.Y.Times magazine science and medicine writer. Author, Invisible Frontiers: The Race To Synthesize A Human Gene. "This is the first time I have been let in so completely into the life of somewone living with chronic pain. A Pained Life is a compelling read. Ms. Levy has laid bare her experiencr so that others know that ultimately there is hope. I recommend it to pain patients, members of the medical community and the public at large." John Park, M.D., anaesthesiologist and pain specialist. "A Pained Life is an unsophisticated book, but it is so real, so honestly told, so suspenseful, that it is hard to put down. Carol Jay Levys courage and perseverance can help light the way for others who endure pain and a medical maze, with little hope and less help. Medical professionals might also gain insight from this personal story of someone at the other end of the stethoscope." Kathy Lyons 3/28/04, American Chronic Pain Association. "The detail with which the writer is able to describe the lead-up and surrounding details of the medical condition finally diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgia captures the readers attention with great intensity. The author has a good ability to draw emotions from the reader. She has done an exceptional job in writing so that the reader feels strong emotion about the author." Writers Digest International Self-published Book Awards competition. "My husband is reading your book now and seems *much* more empathetic. After he finishes it, I am lending it to my therapist and chiro who are great people but havent a clue what its like to live with pain 24/7. You are such a wonderful writer." A.gye, pain patient. "I finished the book, and it really was a GREAT read!! The way you described everything so vividly, made it feel like I was there along with you every step of the way! Jeremy Baker, Fox TV.