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Journey to the Aisle ...a Story of Cultural Expectations
Journey to the Aisle ...a Story of Cultural Expectations
JOURNEY TO THE AISLE shares a life experience growing up in the barrio in south Texas where Spanish and Mexican cultural influences and traditions, being the norm, presented obstacles and conflicts while experiencing immersion into educational environments. The practice of Catholicism was the core of daily existence in the lives of families. Growing up in a family with ten siblings, the author shares stories about learning how to survive daily in a male-dominant Spanish speaking home environment where gender roles were defined through unwritten rules. Attending an Irish Catholic Elementary School in the barrio and ultimately a public school system let to a journey of reflective questioning of cultural expectations. She relates personal struggles and conflicts encountered as she journeys through the process of deciding to make a commitment to marrying.
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Journey to the Aisle
Journey to the Aisle
Journey to the Aisle shares a life experience growing up in the barrio in south Texas where Spanish and Mexican cultural influences and traditions, being the norm, presented obstacles and conflicts while experiencing immersion into educational environments. Practicing Catholicism was the core of daily existence in the lives of families. Growing up in a family with ten siblings, the author shares stories about learning how to survive daily in a male-dominant Spanish-speaking home environment where gender roles were defined through unwritten rules. Attending an Irish Catholic School in the barrio and ultimately a public school system led to a journey of reflective questioning of cultural expectations. She relates personal struggles and conflicts encountered as she journeys through the process of deciding to make a commitment to marrying.
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Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
This book presents chemical analyses of our most pressing waste, pollution, and resource problems for the undergraduate or graduate student. The distinctive holistic approach provides both a solid ground in theory, as well as a laboratory manual detailing introductory and advanced experimental applications. The laboratory procedures are presented at microscale conditions, for minimum waste and maximum economy. This work fulfills an urgent need for an introductory text in environmental chemistry combining theory and practice, and is a valuable tool for preparing the next generation of environmental scientists.
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'Black but Human'
'Black but Human'
'Black but Human' is the first study to focus on the visual representations of African slaves and ex-slaves in Spain during the Hapsburg dynasty. The Afro-Hispanic proverb 'Black but Human' is the main thread of the six chapters and serves as a lens through which to explore the ways in which a certain visual representation of slavery both embodies and reproduces hegemonic visions of enslaved and liberated Africans, and at the same time provides material for critical and emancipatory practices by Afro-Hispanics themselves. The African presence in the Iberian Peninsula between the late fifteenth century and the end of the seventeenth century was as a result of the institutionalization of the local and transatlantic slave trades. In addition to the Moors, Berbers, and Turks born as slaves, there were approximately two million enslaved people in the kingdoms of Castile, Aragón, and Portugal. The 'Black but Human' topos that emerges from the African work songs and poems written by Afro-Hispanics encodes the multi-layered processes through which a black emancipatory subject emerges and a 'black nation' forges a collective resistance. It is visually articulated by Afro-Hispanic and Spanish artists in religious paintings and in the genres of self-portraiture and portraiture. This extraordinary imagery coexists with the stereotypical representations of African slaves and ex-slaves by Spanish sculptors, engravers, jewellers, and painters mainly in the religious visual form and by European draftsmen and miniaturists, in their landscape drawings, and sketches for costume books.
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Latino History and Culture
Latino History and Culture
Latinos are the fastest growing population in America today. This two-volume encyclopedia traces the history of Latinos in the United States from colonial times to the present, focusing on their impact on the nation in its historical development and current culture. "Latino History and Culture" covers the myriad ethnic groups that make up the Latino population. It explores issues such as labor, legal and illegal immigration, traditional and immigrant culture, health, education, political activism, art, literature, and family, as well as historical events and developments. A-Z entries cover eras, individuals, organizations and institutions, critical events in U.S. history and the impact of the Latino population, communities and ethnic groups, and key cities and regions. Each entry includes cross references and bibliographic citations, and a comprehensive index and illustrations augment the text.
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The Genus Bromus L. (Poaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula
The Genus Bromus L. (Poaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula
This publication presents a comprehensive treatment of the genus Bromus L. and its occurrences on the Iberian Peninsula. Previously, Bromus had only been given limited attention in a number of floras (e.g. Willkomm, 1861; Losa Espana, 1961). A complete review of literature on the subject is used as the base of this review of Bromus, and nearly 4000 specimens of Bromus were studied and compared to other Bromus specimens from outside the Iberian Penisula. A list of sampling locations of the specimens is provided, documenting the location (UTM coordinates), country, gathering date, ecology, collector and the sheet number of the respective herbarium.
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Obra legislativa
Obra legislativa
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