The commitment of Carlos Sánchez Berzaín with democracy, law and institutionalism in Latin America have made him the most effective and devastating hammer against this kind of regimes that he encompasses under the category of "dictatorships of the 21st century".In this book you will find articles and essays in which he dissects and denounces the abuses of modern dictators: the evolution of the exercise of tyranny that has changed military uniforms for sportswear; the violent and armed pronouncement by populism, and deception to voters, all with the aim of perpetuating themselves in power at the expense of anything, including the commission of crimes typical of the Sicilian mafia. The killing of the separation of powers, the decapitation of Montesquieu, is now taking place --named Lula, Maduro, Morales, Ortega or Correa, always under the guidance of someone whose last name is Castro.I make public the wish that one day Sánchez Berzaín can return to his native Bolivia to take the place that a fighter for democracy deserves. Until that day arrives, let's enjoy your writings and reflections.-Manuel Aguilera,