Bb Major Scale Studies Director Score
This is a collection of 115 different scale exercises in the key of Bb Major for the mariachi ensemble. The score includes violin, trumpet, harp, armonía, optional armonia, and guitarron parts. The collection starts in the time signature of 4/4 followed by 3/4 and ends with scales in 2/4. Scales include rhythms in whole notes, half notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, dotted quarter notes, eighth notes, dotted eighth notes, sixteenth notes, quarter notes, eighth note triplets, and syncopated patterns in each time signature. Several scale studies in 2nd position and a few require shifting for the violin to target those skills. For the mariachi ensemble, the armonia has accompaniment in lenta, bolero, bolero ritmico, bolero ranchero, danzon, valseada, son, huapango, joropo, y corrida. An optional armonía part is included for the students who are still learning how to switch from chord to chord. The collection would be an excellent accompanying resource for the Rhythm and Melodic Worksheets Book 1 and 2 and the Progressive Armonia Studies book series by the same author; Carlos Maldonado.