Walking Out of Poverty Together
July 16, 2007 There goes the church bell again. I wonder who died this time. I have to look even though I know I will get in trouble for getting up in class again. It’s not my fault the church bells sound so much like music. Wow, so many people in black. Why do people wear black to a funeral? Shouldn’t they wear white if their friend is going to heaven? Where is everyone going in a hurry? I like that store; they have the best candy. I’m going to buy that abandon building, and I will make my own school someday. But it will be a fun school where we can get dirty and have fun while learning. Maybe, I will be Mayor, and the people will love how I changed this neighborhood. The church bells stopped and she is looking at me that way again. I better sit down before she calls out my name and then it’s back to the principal’s office. Hey, can you hear that dad? It’s the church bells from Saint Joseph. Man they’re loud. Those are the eight o’clock bells. So it’s barley eight. I like these sunsets. Look how the sun goes behind those trees. That tree looks like a lion roaring at the sky. Look at those trees. They look like waves that are drowning the sun. Mom gave me a radio. What station do you like? When you were in Vietnam, were you scared? Do you still have nightmares? Well, I am glad you made it back home. You know that old white building in front of our church. I want to buy it someday. I use to look at it all the time thinking that I could do something good with it. Yeah, the sky does look pretty when it’s gold and pink. The clouds look like a castle floating on mountains. Look at those birds. Where do you think they’re going? The church bells stopped. We should go inside before the mosquitoes come out. Do you think these mosquitoes are getting bigger? Hey, stop you guys. Do you hear that? It sounds like music. Yeah, it’s the church bell. I heard they’re hiring at that church for coaches for their summer program. I think I am going to go apply. Come with me. Hello, are you still taking applications for summer coaches. That’s too bad. I really wanted to work here. I heard of all the good things you do for the community. I agree with what you are doing here. We do need good positive role models in the neighborhood. I am not going to school right now, but I want to be a teacher someday. Do you know that old building across from us? I want to buy it. It’s going to be either a recreational center or an early learning center like Head Start. Wow, I can still hear those church bells. Well, thank you for your time. And, yes, I do plan to attend college this fall; I am going to be a teacher. I will keep in touch. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Dear Father, thank you for all that you do, the seen and unseen. Thank you for my beautiful wife and our amazing daughter. Thank you for bringing me here today to slow me down from this busy world and catch my breath. This is the best part of the church when it is just you and me alone talking just like this. O’ there goes the twelve o’ clock bells. They sound so beautiful. Father, please give us strength when we are weak. Help us to be understanding, patient, and compassionate to each other. Help me be the best teacher that I can be. Let me receive the skills that I need so that I can come back into this community and teach them there is more than just this neighborhood, that my students can be anything they want if they just believe and have someone believing in them. I haven’t forgotten about that old building. What was that Lord? Is it time to wakeup? Will I still be able to hear the music in the bells? In that case, ring those bells, and I’ll get to work.