Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation
tionsalso,apartfromsignalprocessing,withother?eldssuchasstatisticsandarti?cial neuralnetworks. As long as we can ?nd a system that emits signals propagated through a mean, andthosesignalsarereceivedbyasetofsensorsandthereisaninterestinrecovering the originalsources,we have a potential?eld ofapplication forBSS and ICA. Inside thatwiderangeofapplicationswecan?nd,forinstance:noisereductionapplications, biomedicalapplications,audiosystems,telecommunications,andmanyothers. This volume comes out just 20 years after the ?rst contributionsin ICA and BSS 1 appeared . Thereinafter,the numberof research groupsworking in ICA and BSS has been constantly growing, so that nowadays we can estimate that far more than 100 groupsareresearchinginthese?elds. Asproofoftherecognitionamongthescienti?ccommunityofICAandBSSdev- opmentstherehavebeennumerousspecialsessionsandspecialissuesinseveralwell- 1 J.Herault, B.Ans,“Circuits neuronaux à synapses modi?ables: décodage de messages c- posites para apprentissage non supervise”, C.R. de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 299, no. III-13,pp.525–528,1984.