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Chained Birds
Chained Birds
After three years in Europe, former journalist Carla Conti* just wanted to settle her family into the suburbs of Philadelphia. But her high school friend Scott Powell, a lawyer handling a brutal prison stabbing case, needed a favor. Before she knew it, Carla became part of the defense team and mired in the terrifying world of federal prison gangs, penal abuse, and corruption. Then, when she agreed to write a tell-all book on the violent machinations behind the court case - with Scott's client as an inside source - the stakes turned deadly. Two different prison gangs issue "hit orders" against the prisoner she and Scott now consider a friend, and former journalist and defense attorney are imperiled by association. CHAINED BIRDS is a true crime memoir of Carla's 10-year journey to advocate for federal inmate Kevin Sanders and help him re-enter society after prison. But the mission came at a cost as Carla struggled to balance her own, Scott's, and Kevin's safety while writing the exposé on the horrific conditions that led to the shutdown of an experimental prison program in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. This thrilling, frightening book depicts a journey filled with unlikely friendships, invisible victims of prison abuse, failings in our criminal justice system, and redemption through storytelling. *Carla Conti is a pen name used by the author to protect her real identity for fear of retribution.
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Chained Birds
Chained Birds
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My First Year's Toastmasters Speeches
My First Year's Toastmasters Speeches
This is a small book that I wrote that comprises my first year Toastmasters speeches. Some speeches were personal and some were researched. I wanted to write and publish my first year's speeches so that others can perhaps publish their speeches or articles that they have written for their own personal use so that others can benefit.
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Chained Birds
"Chained birds is a true crime memoir of Carla's 10-year journey to advocate for federal inmate Kevin Sanders and help him re-enter society after prison. But the mission comes at a cost as Carla struggles to balance her own, Scott's, and Kevin's safety while writing an exposé on the horrific conditions that led to the shutdown of an experimental prison in Lewsiburg, Pennsylvania"--
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The Other Enlightenment
The Other Enlightenment
This historical study examines the way women used writing to create themselves as modern individuals in post-Revolutionary France.--From publisher description.
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During the last decades, cancer diseases have increased all over the world. The low quality of food and strong pollution of environment are the main prerequisites for carcinogenesis. The main problem for scientists is to find strategy for prevention of cancer diseases. Therefore, the information about the models for studying carcinogenesis and mutagens which appear during cooking, environmental pollutants, and tests for specific detection of carcinogens is particularly important. The book "Carcinogen" is intended for biologists, researchers, students in medical sciences and professionals interested in associated areas.
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Educação no contexto atual
Educação no contexto atual
A chegada desta obra no período em que um vírus letal ceifa tantas vidas faz cisões em paradigmas que estigmatizam o professor e a sua capacidade de criação, de superação de más condições de trabalho e de inventividade intelectual. Imersos em toda essa crise que vemos instalada no Brasil, por conta da crise sanitária, da crise econômica, da crise ética que enfrentamos, esses três professores, Marlene Barbosa de Freitas Reis, Daniel Júnior de Oliveira e Carla Conti de Freitas, além de todo o trabalho que seguiram realizando na educação, não abandonaram a pesquisa e nos presenteiam com seus textos e de mais trinta e cinco pesquisadores que não pararam, nem mesmo em tempos de pandemia. Os textos desta obra tornam-na sensível e, ao mesmo tempo, dura. Dura no sentido de que não se furta a discutir temas que se encontram endurecidos na escola. Temas que representam, muitas vezes, seus problemas, tais como: o fracasso escolar e a mitificação da ideia de que os problemas de aprendizagem estão estritamente relacionados à condição social; a necessidade de uma formação específica para os profissionais que atuam no ensino; assim como a gestão escolar pública e o quanto ela se aproxima e/ou se distancia de uma perspectiva democrática de gestão da escola pública e emancipatória de educação formal. Ademais, o Projeto Político Pedagógico como o elemento norteador das ações que se realizam no âmbito escolar para atender às expectativas de aprendizagem.
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Non ti sfiora neppure
Non ti sfiora neppure
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Linguagens em tempos inéditos (VOL.2)
Linguagens em tempos inéditos (VOL.2)
Cada volume dessa obra foi organizado a partir de dois eixos. O volume 1 engloba formação docente e educação linguística, incluindo os “estudos dessas áreas na infância, campo promissor que vem redesenhando caminhos e plantando sementes na fertilidade do cerrado inhumense” (EGIDO et al., 2021). O volume 2 traz as contribuições dos autores e autoras para os estudos dos letramentos e da interculturalidade, relacionados aos eixos sistema remoto e diversidade, por meio dos quais construímos e reconstruímos as nossas relações com as diferentes linguagens exigidas pelas mudanças no cotidiano de cada um de nós.
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Storie di musiche
Storie di musiche
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