How I Made Big Money Trading Stock Options
"How I Made BIG Money Trading Stock Options" is an eBook intended for novice and experienced investors alike who are just beginning to explore the options market. This book will teach you everything you need to know in order to succeed at trading options by following me through my first 40 transactions. By looking over my shoulder as I execute, annotate, and explain my reasoning behind these trades you will learn all about buying, selling, and writing puts, calls, covered calls, combinations, spreads, strangles, and straddles. You will discover how to use options to lock in profits, how to purchase stocks at less than market price, how to earn double digit interest on money held in your brokerage account, and how to profit no matter what direction the stock market is headed. In short, you will have all the knowledge and confidence needed to begin making your own profitable trades! I will even send you a copy of my Excel options spreadsheet when you email me with the details of your purchase!