Candida Höfer
For Candida Höfer 'projects' are works in multiple parts that have a planned, additional course or which are completed once they reach a definitive state. Projects: Done refers to fourteen completed projects from between 1968 and 2008. The fifteenth project is the presentation itself, which the artist has developed in collaboration with the architects Kuehn Malvezzi. Candida Höfer presents her work in unfamiliar formats: catalogue raisonné, small format views of the series Zoologische Gärten (1993), Die Bürger von Calais (2000) or On Kawara (2006/07), or large format images such as Türken in Deutschland (1979) and the slide project 80 Pictures, which is presented on a black background. Flipper is a collage of black and white photographs of pinball machines, spread across eight pages. Liverpool, an early work from 1968, presents low-key, whole page black and white pictures. A further focus is Höfer's pictures of exhibition spaces created by the architects Kuehn Malvezzi. English and German text.