Until Next Year
Quickly, easily, by e-mail, fax and phone — in a variety of ways — we communicate with distant friends, family and associates, and we think nothing of it. Canadians in the past knew a very different world. Over long distances, in all sorts of weather and amidst the dangers of war, pirates and myriad other hazards, the growing colony of Canada was entirely dependent upon letters to communicate news, commerce, loneliness or desire. To carry each letter to its destination, correspondents had to rely on ad hoc, unofficial and occasional opportunities, as well as upon the efforts of friends, travelers and members of the society at large. Letters were precious possessions, their arrival anxiously anticipated, often for months. Until Next Year recreates this exciting and engaging world, when writing a letter was considered an art and when creating paper itself took the patience and skill of a seasoned artisan. Using the private letters of Canadians and their correspondents, Harrison details how letters were written, how they were delivered, who wrote them and why. Beyond the letters themselves, this story is amply enriched with an abundance of maps, photographs and prints.