Undercover Animals
Meet the animal kingdom's sneakiest tricksters Can you spot all the real-life creatures going "undercover" and hiding in these fun photos? Take a look at these amazing animal hide-and-seek experts With an entertaining combination of information and puzzles, Undercover Animals reveals just how well camouflaged all kinds of insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals can be. Inside, you'll find seahorses pretending to be seaweed, beautiful flowers that turn out to be mantises, sharks that look like the sea floor, a butterfly disguised as an owl, leaf-like geckos, color-changing cuttlefish and chameleons, a prowling tiger nearly vanishing into the grass, and more. Each right-hand page shows a photo of a natural environment with one or more sneaky creatures hiding. How fast can you find them? Then, turn the page to learn who's there, along with fascinating facts and stats on each animal.