Ain’t Nobody Be Learnin’ Nothin’
America’s most challenged families are segregated into high-poverty schools. Despite a 20-year experiment in nationwide school reform, few students make it over the slippery bridge to the middle class. In this book you will meet the students, families, teachers, and administrators who struggle inside this failed system, and consider proposals to give them a fighting chance. Caleb Rossiter recounts his experiences as a math teacher of African-American 9th and 10th graders in the poorest wards of the nation's capital. He describes the obstacles facing teachers who are held accountable for the performance of students whose average skills are years below grade level. Rossiter, also a professor of statistics at American University, explains how the No Child Left Behind law allows school districts to use so-called “data-driven” measures of teacher and even "school" effectiveness that ignore learning deficiencies and behavior patterns that began before a child's first day in school. These measures violate basic norms of statistical analysis, yet are used to make comparisons and draw policy-level conclusions. He exposes the pretense of success claimed by “school reformers” who pressure teachers to award unearned grades and, if they won’t, paper over failure with imitation classes euphemistically termed "credit recovery." He then offers reasonable solutions that would enable children who attend school ready to learn to be freed from the disruption of poorly socialized peers, who can be better served in alternative settings.