Emotional Experience and Expressions
Emotional experiences and emotional responses have been mostly considered a psychobiological phenomenon, which man genetically acquired from the animal world. Animals require emotionally controlled behavior for dealing with the survival needs, in terms of needs for food, safety, and sexual gratifications. These emotional responses may often occur without perception or awareness of the presence of the causative stimulus, which we have called processing of the unconscious mind. Outside this realm, man cognitively processes every emotional state and response, and labels them, which may be considered to have positive or negative effects on the individual and others. However, we are aware that the same emotional arousal is the driving force in every individual, and that man cannot lift even a little finger without emotional arousal. This phenomenal role of emotion has been largely ignored and many of us do not care for the proper emotional development of a child and strategic and sincere application of emotional arousal in the later years. The whole emphasis on the mind of man has been invested in many, on consciousness, which today we know is a mere fallacy. Learning to control emotional arousal is a basic lesson of social conditioning, which gives man ability to control thinking, actions and responses. Without emotional controls, actions and responses are automatically initiated, when the emotional arousal reaches certain critical level. Without emotional arousal man is a vegetative system, not capable of thinking, acting, and responding. Thinking and creating indeed form the foundation of growth for man.