Voltaire in Holland, 1736-1745
Diplomats reported in detail on Voltaire's dealings with Johannes van Duren over the 'Anti-Machiavel', and on his unsuccessful diplomatic mission to Berlin in 1743. We include an unknown version of Voltaire's 'Sur un usage très utile établi en Hollande', and discuss at some length his 'Sommaire des droits de Sa Majesté, le roi de Prusse sur Herstal', first printed as a pamphlet in The Hague, and published in the 'Leydse Courant' before it appeared in the 'Gazette d'Amsterdam', the 'Gazette de Leyde' and the 'Gazette d'Utrecht'. As to the 'Anti-Machiavel', the first edition to comprise variants was not published by Van Duren, but by Pierre Paupie under the false imprints of Colomb (Marseille) and Lacaze (Amsterdam). With regard to Voltaire's very popular 'Vers à M. Van Haren', composed in June 1743, we publish a letter by Voltaire, written in Dutch.