Renovating the Ivory Tower
This volume brings together papers presented at two sessions dealing with the current state of affairs at Canadian universities. The papers discuss some of the challenges that these institutions face and their success in meeting them, and also offer suggestions about public policies that might make their contributions to Canadian life more effective. The introduction outlines historical background, institutional factors, the role of universities, and the substantive findings of the other papers in this volume. Paper two reviews university education in the knowledge economy and the challenges of accessibility & quality. The third paper discusses the change in enrollment structure toward greater numbers of women and the fourth covers the global hunt for talent and the growth of Internet-based recruiting in Canada. Paper five examines research performance at the top Canadian universities relative to those in the United States. Paper six uses data from the National Graduates Survey to present new evidence on earnings differences by discipline among three cohorts of recent Canadian university graduates. The final two papers estimate economic returns to university education and discuss the implications for tuition policy. Critical commentary on the papers is also included in two separate sections.