High Strange Horror
What is "High Strange"? It's the men in black erasing your UFO research. It's a corporate takeover by bio-occult horrors. It's losing your edge, and finding it again at the bottom of the cosmos. It's your television telling you to eat your government-approved genetically-modified breakfast cereal. It's the unexplained lights in the sky and the faceless gray woman haunting your dreams. It's ancient legends working under contract. It's the forbidden film playing at a haunted movie theater. It's the medical staff making sure you stay crazy. It's the 19th round of mini golf with a disembodied pirate. It's the outer reaches of human experience. Where conventional reality ends, High Strange begins. Over a dozen authors mine the deepest reaches of consciousness and Fortean phenomena. Are you ready to see what lies beyond the veil? On the Weird and the Damned (introduction) by Jonathan Raab Investigations by Michael Bryant So You've Lost Your Edge. Now What? by Charles Martin and Will Weinke Frosty Pyramid Treats by Jonathan Raab The Dead Wait by Toni Nicolino The Keepers by David A. Owens Night Dog by Matthew M. Bartlett The Pirate-Ghost of Hole 19 by Doctor Gaines The Lights Are Off by Christopher Fraser Púca by C.R.J. Smith Delve by Matthew D. Jordan Brought Low by J. Howard Shannon Black-Eyed Children, Blue-Eyed Child by Billy Lyons The Vampire Sea by Amberle L. Husbands Ascendance by Julie Godard Cats by Jake Skillings The Projectionist by Mer Whinery Excerpt from Look For Me by Colin Scharf I Want to Believe (post-script essay) by Colin Scharf