Same Date of Rank - Grads at the Top and Bottom from West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy
Does class rank really matter? Q: What do you call the person who’s last in their class in medical or law school? A: Doctor or Lawyer. Q: And, what do you call the person who’s last in their class at West Point, Annapolis or the U.S. Air Force Academy? A: Lieutenant or Ensign. Same Date of Rank salutes 17 men and three women grads at the top and bottom, representing the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. They range from the “goat” or last man in West Point’s Class of 1942, who was the fi rst man in his class promoted to Brigadier General, to a 1999 Annapolis All-American rugby player who has served three tours in Iraq as a Marine Corps Captain. Read about combat leaders, admirals, astronauts, pilots, ship captains, business leaders, an historian, logistics expert, mayor, teacher and software guru. The book also provides class ranks of many famous academy grads from George Pickett and George Armstrong Custer (lasts) to Robert E. Lee and Douglas Mac Arthur (2nd and 1st) as well as Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, John McCain, and Jim Webb plus athletes like Roger Staubach of the NFL and David Robinson of the NBA. And, it includes timely information about how to apply to each of the three academies.