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El Sueño de Un Gran Marinero
"Tells the story of the young Christopher Columbus and his desire to become a great sailor when he grows up." --
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East of Haiti
East of Haiti
In the title piece, “East of Haiti,” Old Jean Morisseau waits for his son Claude, who he hasn’t seen in ten years, and worries about his grandson Christopher, whose mother—like so many others—crossed the border into the neighboring country and disappeared. As the boy grows, he begins to read his missing father’s diary. And one day, he gathers his courage and leaves his grandfather and their small village to find his dad. Sanchez Beras paints stirring images of the Haitians and Dominicans who share the island of Hispaniola in this collection of three novellas. Don Victoriano Zaldivar, a landowner and “lord over the lives of many who were dirt poor,” doesn’t let his advanced age interfere with his preference for young girls. He plots to conquer Aurorita, who he acknowledges is still a child, but “has the look of a woman.” Young Albertico Durosier is poor and black, but he learns to juggle his fragmented identity, presenting himself as Dominican in certain circumstances and Haitian in others. On his mother’s deathbed, she confesses his father was a well-to-do white man who took advantage of the black Haitian cleaning girl in his family’s employ. Delving into the adversities of race, poverty and discrimination, Sanchez Beras’ stories follow ordinary people working ceaselessly toward a better life for themselves and their loved ones. This intriguing addition to Caribbean literature is notable for its setting—the mountains and other local communities without a view of the beach so familiar to tourists—and its glimpse into the issues that lead to so many leaving their home for opportunities elsewhere.
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Rabia y fervor
Rabia y fervor
César Sánchez Beras (premio anual de poesía, teatro y literatura infantil) nos deleita con esta obra que enfrenta al lector con ocho textos que él denomina: 'dramaturgia breve'. Con magistral dominio del género, el autor desmadeja las escenas y reconfigura anécdotas, situaciones, estereotipos y, en el fondo, la humanidad misma de este puñado de personajes, familiares y vívidos, desnudados por el poder irrefrenable de un talento único, agresivo, ambicioso... genial.
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Electronic Components and Circuits Lab
Electronic Components and Circuits Lab
1. Identification of Basic Electronic Components 2. Measuring DC voltages and currents 3. Analysis Techniques 4. AC Analysis 5. Passive Filters and Transfer Functions 6. Analysis of Resonant Circuits
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Curriculum Vitae
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