Final Stages of the New World and Rise of the Black Messiah Part 2
The Return of the Hidden Knowledge. In this World we have lost the art of Math, Astrology, and Reading. Computers now have databases which are the exact make of the human brain. We have failed for the divide and conquer. We are all one cell broken up into egos. We must show the creator that we can love again to save this planet and the human race. The New World is in the Final Steps. The Big Plan by the Elite the Top 1% has more money than the other 99% put together. First: Separate and divide the people by race. Second: Divide the men from the women. Third: Brainwash our kids with T.V. and school since mom has to work. Fourth: Control our money supply through Federal Reserve and IRS that should be illegal. Pay off the government so it doesn't matter whether you are Democrat or Republican. Fifth: Control our media to brainwash the masses: CFR, Bilderberg and 5 Corporations own all media. Sixth: Put crack cocaine in black communities only to imprison black men and ruin the black family and kill off the black leaders through Co-Intel Pro. Seventh: Depopulation: There goals are to kill billions through war, food, tap water with chemicals and fluoride. \Manmade diseases like Ebola, HIV, AID's and Vaccines, creating airborne chemical warfare MERS virus, Zika virus, prescription drugs, Planned Parenthood and control weather. Eighth: Steal money from every American through the banks: Libor Scandal, AIG and Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Deutsche, China Banks and other big banks. Ninth: Create fake and proxy wars to drive down the dollar and have a one world government. Ten: Give our jobs to robots and enslave the people but this time all races, that’s not Democracy that's Fascism.