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Understanding Human Anatomy and Pathology
Understanding Human Anatomy and Pathology
Understanding Human Anatomy and Pathology: An Evolutionary and Developmental Guide for Medical Students provides medical students with a much easier and more comprehensive way to learn and understand human gross anatomy by combining state-of-the-art knowledge about human anatomy, evolution, development, and pathology in one book. The book adds evolutionary, pathological, and developmental information in a way that reduces the difficulty and total time spent learning gross anatomy by making learning more logical and systematic. It also synthesizes data that would normally be available for students only by consulting several books at a time. Anatomical illustrations are carefully selected to follow the style of those seen in human anatomical atlases but are simpler in their overall configuration, making them easier to understand without overwhelming students with visual information. The book’s organization is also more versatile than most human anatomy texts so that students can refer to different sections according to their own learning styles. Because it is relatively short in length and easily transportable, students can take this invaluable book anywhere and use it to understand most of the structures they need to learn for any gross anatomy course.
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Tunnelling ’94
Tunnelling ’94
It is now more than twenty years since a proposal was first mooted to hold an international tunnelling symposium in Britain. At the time of the first symposium, held in London in 1976, the Channel Tunnel pro ject had just been shelved. Last weekend a charity walk was held in the finished tunnel, which will be open for business later in the year. Tunnels have figured prominently, and at times spectacularly, in the development of national and international links and it is hoped that such links gather pace in the future. It is particularly pleasing that Alastair Biggart of Storebrelt has agreed to deliver the twenty-sixth Sir Julius Wernher Memorial Lecture of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, entitled 'The changing face of tunnelling', at the start of this event. * Although almost every edition of the technical journals on tunnelling reports another £1 billion scheme somewhere in the world, it would be unfair of me to suggest that tunnelling is restricted to these prestigious schemes for major transport links. Much of the work that makes mod ern life possible receives hardly a mention outside the technical press and one suspects that society at large applies the 'out of sight, out of mind' attitude even more readily to underground construction than it does to other forms of engineering. Clearly, there is a contiiming need to improve the capacity and performance of our infrastructure, while hav ing a careful regard for the environment.
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Leitura, escrita e ensino
Leitura, escrita e ensino
Hoje, é consenso que o acesso ao livro é fundamental para garantir a incorporação de práticas de leitura ao cotidiano. Destinada a estudantes de pedagogia e a educadores, esta obra aborda a democratização da cultura, o ensino de literatura e a alfabetização freireana - passando por temas como contação de histórias, livros infantis, EJA, ensino de língua estrangeira e redações de vestibular. Textos de Bruno Araújo, Glaucia Guimarães, Isabel Cristina M. Bezerra, Iza Terezinha Gonçalves Quelhas, Jacqueline de Fatima dos Santos Morais, Mairce da Silva Araújo, Marcia Soares Alvarenga, Maria Cristina Ribas, Maria Tereza Goudard Tavares, Rafaela Corrêa Silva, Renata de Souza Moura, Rosimeri de Oliveira Dias, Simone Ribeiro Barros André e Victoria Wilson.
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Discrete Mathematics Days 2022
Discrete Mathematics Days 2022
El congreso Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD20/22) tendrá lugar del 4 al 6 de julio de 2022, en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, España). Este congreso internacional se centra en avances dentro del campo de la Matemática discreta, incluyendo, de manera no exhaustiva: · Algoritmos y Complejidad · Combinatoria · Teoría de Códigos · Criptografía · Geometría Discreta y Computacional · Optimización Discreta · Teoría de Grafos · Problemas de localización discreta y temas relacionados Las ediciones anteriores de este evento se celebraros en Sevilla (2018) y Barcelona (2016), estos congresos heredan la tradición de las Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), el encuentro bienal en España en Matemática Discreta (desde 1998). Durante la celebración del congreso tendrán lugar cuatro conferencias plenarias, cuarenta y dos presentaciones orales y una sesión de once pósteres. Abstract The Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD20/22) will be held on July 4-6, 2022, at Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain). The main focus of this international conference is on current topics in Discrete Mathematics, including (but not limited to): Algorithms and Complexity Combinatorics Coding Theory Cryptography Discrete and Computational Geometry Discrete Optimization Graph Theory Location and Related Problems The previous editions were held in Sevilla in 2018 and in Barcelona in 2016, inheriting the tradition of the Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica (JMDA), the Spanish biennial meeting (since 1998) on Discrete Mathematics. The program consists on four plenary talks, 42 contributed talks and a poster session with 11 contributions.
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Planejamento patrimonial sucessório
Diante do uso crescente do trust – instituído como instrumento do planejamento sucessório –, faz-se necessário analisar a validade de tal contratação sob a ótica do direito civil brasileiro (diante dos requisitos de validade previstos na lei civil vigente). Este livro aborda tanto o conceito técnico do planejamento patrimonial sucessório – inclusive diante do contexto atual de patrimônio, família e sucessão –, quanto os objetivos e as formas pelas quais é realizado, tendo em vista, ainda, as limitações formais e materiais das costumeiras formas de disposição patrimonial sucessória no Brasil. Ato contínuo, faz-se a apresentação do trust como alternativa às normas usuais do planejamento patrimonial sucessório, para tanto, realiza-se uma incursão histórica, contextualizando o seu surgimento e sua evolução até os dias atuais. Percorre-se, por fim, sua estrutura, características e aplicação prática no contexto normativo brasileiro.
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Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
Field-based Tests for Soccer Players
This book systematically summarizes the accuracy, precision, and repeatability levels of field-based tests applied in soccer. It considers such details as the effectiveness of tests for different age categories and sexes. In this book, the readers will be able to check all the field-based tests conceived for fitness assessment in soccer through a large systematic review made to the literature. In addition a brief characterization of each test and presentation of the concurrent validity and repeatability levels for each test will be provided. Finally, the book contains a general discussion of the implications of the tests for different methodological approaches to training. It will be use to sports scientists and practitioners.
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Narrativa e Media
Narrativa e Media
Os quinze artigos aqui reunidos aparecem organizados por forma a dar resposta a um conjunto de objetivos específicos, que presidiram à construção da obra. Por um lado, houve a preocupação de integrar o estudo dos media numa mais ampla reflexão teórica sobre narrativa, com contributos de especialistas quer das Ciências da Comunicação, quer dos Estudos Narrativos e dos Estudos Literários. Entende-se que a compreensão do funcionamento das narrativas mediáticas, objeto complexo e multímodo, exige um olhar interdisciplinar, capaz de congregar metodologias, conceitos e perspetivas de áreas disciplinares diversificadas. Por outro lado, por uma questão meramente metodológica, decidiu-se definir quatro eixos de intervenção correspondentes a quatro grandes áreas de estudo. Assim, organizada em quatro partes, esta obra reúne contributos de investigadores e académicos de formações e áreas diversas, quer brasileiros, quer portugueses, que refletem e problematizam questões sobre a construção, a circulação e o funcionamento das narrativas no espaço mediático hodierno.
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Building Projection-Based VR Systems
Among virtual reality technologies, a multi-projection display is certainly the most attractive and challenging. Engineers and researchers in any number of fields are increasingly attracted by immersive multi-projection displays. However, building a multi-projection system is a complex integration task, challenging even VR specialists. This book provides an introduction to the issues to consider when planning the installation of a multi-projection environment for researches and professionals not only in the computer graphics and virtual reality field but also in any other area that wants to use multi-projection displays. The book takes a practical approach, offering guidance in how to create a multi-projection environment. Sections: Evaluation of available display technologies Details of setting up a variety of display infrastructures Options for image generation, from cheapest to most expensive Methods for tracking users in an immersive projection environment Human-computer interaction, with an emphasis on multimodal interaction Audio: how to create a realistic auditory display in terms of sound synthesis and propagation How to utilize virtual reality software for immersive environments Case studies of VR environments the authors have constructed
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Meus Tons
Meus Tons
"Meus Tons", além de expressar um grande amor pela vida, pelas ideias e pelos sentimentos que carrego dentro de mim, é, antes de tudo, um grito das palavras que ecoam por entre os dedos. Com este livro, você terá a chance de sentir na pele os tons de um poeta redescobrindo seus sentimentos, pois poemas condensados nestas páginas revelam o amor de forma simples e cotidiana.
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