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The Children's Six Minutes
The Children's Six Minutes
The Children's Six Minutes by Bruce S. Wright
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High Tide and an East Wind
High Tide and an East Wind
Eastern waterfowlers, who know the black duck best, regard this big dusky bird as the top game bird against which all other ducks are measured. In parts of the Northeast this feeling of affection is so strong that in some circles only the black rates the name of "duck." All other species, even the famed canvasback, are "coots," "fish ducks," or are known by even less complimentary titles. Much of this devotion is justified. Without the black duck, wildfowling in much of the thickly settled East would be an unrewarding pastime. Big as a mallard, as wary as a Canada goose, and as handsome in full plumage as any duck that flies, the black duck fills a place on the American sporting scene that could be filled by no other waterfowl. Here is the dramatic story of the life of the black duck, from the time the broods hatch on the spruce-lined ponds of eastern Canada, through the hazardous flights to the southern wintering areas, to the return of the paired birds to the nesting grounds in spring. It is a story told authoritatively by a Canadian scientist whose adult life has been spent in studying the black duck from the fastnesses of its northern breeding grounds in Labrador and Ungava Bay, to the marshes of Louisiana. In this book are facts on the black and other species of waterfowl that will be new to many students of waterfowl as well as to sportsmen. Here also are recommendations for perpetuating the flights of these magnificent game birds.
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More Generals in Gray
More Generals in Gray
Presents a biographical sketch, photograph, and short bibliography of 137 Confederate generals who attained their rank through a route other than presidential appointment and have therefore been largely overlooked in historical accounts of the Civil War.
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The Inception of Modern Professional Education
The Inception of Modern Professional Education
Christopher C. Langdell (1826-1906) is one of the most influential figures in the history of American professional education. As dean of Harvard Law School from 1870 to 1895, he conceived, designed, and built the educational model that leading professiona
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River Dynamics
River Dynamics
Rivers are important agents of change that shape the Earth's surface and evolve through time in response to fluctuations in climate and other environmental conditions. They are fundamental in landscape development, and essential for water supply, irrigation, and transportation. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geomorphological processes that shape rivers and that produce change in the form of rivers. It explores how the dynamics of rivers are being affected by anthropogenic change, including climate change, dam construction, and modification of rivers for flood control and land drainage. It discusses how concern about environmental degradation of rivers has led to the emergence of management strategies to restore and naturalize these systems, and how river management techniques work best when coordinated with the natural dynamics of rivers. This textbook provides an excellent resource for students, researchers, and professionals in fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, river science, and environmental policy.
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The Pan American Tomato
The Pan American Tomato
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Encyclopedia of Volcanoes
Encyclopedia of Volcanoes
Volcanoes are unquestionably one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring features of the physical world. Our paradoxical fascination with them stems from their majestic beauty and powerful, if sometimes deadly, destructiveness. Notwithstanding the tremendous advances in volcanology since ancient times, some of the mystery surrounding volcanic eruptions remains today. The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes summarizes our present knowledge of volcanoes. Through its thematic organization around the melting of the earth, it provides a comprehensive source of information on the multidisciplinary influences of volcanic eruptions--both the destructive as well as the beneficial aspects.The majority of the chapters focus on the geoscience-related aspects of volcanism (radioactive heat source, melting rock, ascent of magma, surface phenomena associated with exiting magma, extraterrestrial volcanism, etc.). In addition, complementary chapters discuss the multidisciplinary aspects of volcanism; these include the history of volcanology, geothermal energy resources, interaction with the oceans and atmosphere, health aspects of volcanism, mitigation of volcanic disasters, post-eruption ecology, and the impact of eruptions on organismal biodiversity. In addition to its appeal to educators, students, and professional and amateur scientists, the Encyclopedia of Volcanoes functions as an important information resource for administrators and officials responsible for developing and implementing volcanic hazard mitigation around the world.* The first and only reference work to cover all aspects of volcanology* More than 80 separate peer-reviewed articles--all original contributions by leading authors from major institutions of science around the world, commissioned for this work* An integrated transition from the volcanic process through hazards, risk, and societal impacts, with an emphasis on how volcanoes have influenced and shaped society* Convenient single-volume format with topics arranged thematically--articles provide coverage of nine different aspects of volcanology* Each entry in the Encyclopedia begins with an outline of the article content and a concise definition of the subject of the article* 3,000 Glossary entries explain key terms* Further Reading lists appear at the end of each entry* Extensive cross-referencing system links related articles* Sixteen pages of color will convey the science and excitement of this often violent phenomena * Large 8 1/2" x 11" page size, easy-to-read double-column format
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Handbook of Iron Overload Disorders
Handbook of Iron Overload Disorders
A practical, clinically-oriented handbook of iron overload disorders giving a compact guide to normal iron metabolism, iron-related pathobiology, and the diagnosis and management of heritable and acquired iron overload disorders. Many of these disorders were discovered and characterized only in the last decade, and are unmentioned or inadequately described in most texts. Written by clinicians for clinicians, this handbook summarizes information on diverse iron overload conditions, including their history, signs, symptoms, physical examination findings, genetics, genotype-phenotype correlations, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis and treatment. Most physicians, regardless of specialty, encounter patients with systemic or organ-specific iron overload conditions. This book contains essential information for practising adult and pediatric medical specialists in the fields of hematology, gastroenterology, hepatology, rheumatology, endocrinology, diabetology, neurology, oncology, dermatology and internal medicine. Pathologists, pharmacologists, geneticists, genetic counselors and epidemiologists will also find substantial, up-to-date sections in this handbook that are pertinent to their respective fields of interest.
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Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits
Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits
Quantitative traits-be they morphological or physiological characters, aspects of behavior, or genome-level features such as the amount of RNA or protein expression for a specific gene-usually show considerable variation within and among populations. Quantitative genetics, also referred to as the genetics of complex traits, is the study of such characters and is based on mathematical models of evolution in which many genes influence the trait and in which non-genetic factors may also be important. Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits presents a holistic treatment of the subject, showing the interplay between theory and data with extensive discussions on statistical issues relating to the estimation of the biologically relevant parameters for these models. Quantitative genetics is viewed as the bridge between complex mathematical models of trait evolution and real-world data, and the authors have clearly framed their treatment as such. This is the second volume in a planned trilogy that summarizes the modern field of quantitative genetics, informed by empirical observations from wide-ranging fields (agriculture, evolution, ecology, and human biology) as well as population genetics, statistical theory, mathematical modeling, genetics, and genomics. Whilst volume 1 (1998) dealt with the genetics of such traits, the main focus of volume 2 is on their evolution, with a special emphasis on detecting selection (ranging from the use of genomic and historical data through to ecological field data) and examining its consequences.
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