Understanding the Psychology of Diversity
Diversity is a term that incorporates social difference, social inequality, and the problems inherent to inequality. Understanding the Psychology of Diversity, Second Edition a wide-ranging textbook that covers the cognitive and emotional underpinnings of prejudice attached to all forms of inequality, and will be a very useful textbook for an array of students. The book features chapters on traditional prejudice topics such as categorization and stereotypes, sexism, racism, and social stigma. Mixed in with this content are further chapters that explore newer and more nontraditional diversity topics, such as sexual-orientation and social class-based prejudice, weight and appearance-based prejudice, and diversity on television. Key Features: ′Diversity Issue′ boxes, spotlighted in each chapter, center around recent issues, or research findings related to prejudice or social stigma′Making Connections′ questions interspersed throughout chapters stop readers and encourage them to think more deeply about issues/ concepts just coveredIncludes Summaries, Key Terms, Further Readings, and interesting Websites Understanding the Psychology of Diversity will be a perfect textbook for courses on the Psychology of Diversity, Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination as well as Race and Gender.