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Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis
Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis
The circulatory system provides the tissues of the body with oxygen and nutrients for survival, allows for the dissemination of inflammatory cells, and clears metabolic waste from building up and damaging tissue. Atherosclerotic disease, the build-up of fat, inflammatory cells, and fibrotic tissue in the vessel wall, hinders this function, resulting in inadequate perfusion of the target tissue. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen, rapidly results in cellular dysfunction that profoundly affects the functionality of the overall tissue. Atherosclerosis-associated tissue ischemia and hypoxia because of loss of blood flow underlies several significant disease pathologies including ischemic heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. In this eBook, we examine the process of atherosclerotic plaque formation both at the cellular level and the level of clinical presentation. Through this book, we hope to impart to the reader a better understanding of how vessel structure, environmental risk factors, and genetic predisposition contribute to atherosclerotic disease and how current and future therapies seek to circumvent the cellular processes contributing to plaque formation to reduce atherosclerotic plaque burden and clinical complications. Table of Contents: List of Videos / Introduction to Atherosclerosis / Epidemiology / Endothelial Cell Activation and Arterial Hemodynamics / Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease / Inflammation in Atherosclerosis / Smooth Muscle Cells and Plaque Vulnerability / Diagnosing Atherosclerotic Disease / Treatment and Prevention / Summary and Future Perspectives / References / Author Biographies
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Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Experience the definitive E-book on Pharmaceutical Microbiology for B.Pharm 3rd Semester, brought to you by Thakur Publication and meticulously aligned with the PCI syllabus. Immerse yourself in the world of pharmaceutical microbiology and gain valuable insights into this critical subject. Unlock a wealth of knowledge, practical examples, and key concepts through this comprehensive resource. Stay ahead in your studies with Thakur Publication's trusted expertise. Purchase the E-book now and embark on a transformative learning journey in pharmaceutical microbiology. Enhance your understanding and excel in your academic pursuits today.
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Phytochemistry of Withania somnifera
Phytochemistry of Withania somnifera
Withania is a genus of the nightshade family of flowering plants distributed in the subtropical regions from the Mediterranean to South East Asia. Only two species, W. somnifera and W. coagulans, are found in India. The most common species is W. somnifera (WS), which occurs naturally in the subtropical regions from the Mediterranean through Africa to the Middle East, the Indian Continent, Sri Lanka, South East Asia, subtropical America and Australia. It is a perennial shrub that grows to 75 cm (.75 m) tall with tomentose branches, oval yellowish green leaves, orange red berries and a papery calyx, and it survives harsher climatic conditions. In Ayurveda it is believed the plants which survive harsh conditions have strong healing and tonification properties. The main bioactive phytoconstituents of WS are withanolides (steroidal lactones), alkaloids, flavonoids, sterols, phenolics and others. Among the various withanolides, withanolide A, withaferin A, withanone and withanolide D are the most abundant, having various activities. WS is a wonder herb with a broad spectrum of pharmacological properties, such as antioxidant, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antiulcerogenic, antivenom, anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, anticancer, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, anticancerous, antidiabetic, antitumor, hemopoetic neuroregenerative, immunomodulatory, cardioprotective, radio-sensitizing, rejuvenating, antistress, sedative, hypoglycemic, thyroprotective, adaptogenic, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory, immunostimulant and antiaging properties. The simultaneous quantitative analysis of six major bioactive withanolides in five varieties of WS and in different plant parts (root, stem and leaf) of WS was accomplished. This method is also applicable to control the quality of commercially formulated products which contain WS bioactive compounds. Results indicated the WS variety NMITLI-135 showed the maximum abundance of withanolides at pH 8.5, EC-0.5 dS m−1, ESP-13 in sodic soil. Our results showed this readily available, rapid and reliable method is suitable for the routine analysis and effective quality control of raw materials and finished products. FEATURES Presents a collection of Ayurvedic features and scientific analytical and pharmacological evidence of important medicinal plants of Withania somnifera Useful for natural product researchers, faculty, students and herbal product manufacturers Uses advanced hyphenated techniques for assessing phytoconstituents
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Biotechnology: The Future Unfolded
Biotechnology: The Future Unfolded
Biotechnology is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that harnesses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives to develop innovative solutions to address a wide range of challenges in various sectors, including medicine, agriculture, industry, and environmental management. This scientific discipline integrates principles from biology, chemistry, genetics, and other related fields to manipulate and modify living organisms at the molecular and cellular levels for practical applications. The term “biotechnology” itself encompasses a broad spectrum of techniques, methodologies, and technologies that utilize biological systems or derivatives to create products, improve processes, or develop new technologies. One of the fundamental aspects of biotechnology is genetic engineering, which involves the intentional alteration of an organism’s genetic material using various molecular biology techniques. This manipulation can lead to the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with desired traits, such as increased resistance to diseases, enhanced nutritional content, or improved tolerance to environmental conditions. Genetic engineering has revolutionized medicine, enabling the production of therapeutic proteins, vaccines, and genetically modified cells for treating various diseases.
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Phytochemistry of Tinospora cordifolia
Phytochemistry of Tinospora cordifolia
Tinospora cordifolia stem is used as a tonic, vitalizer, and as a remedy for metabolic disorders to treat allergies, diabetes, dysentery, jaundice, heart diseases, leprosy, rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases, and urinary disorders. It shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic actions and immunosuppressive effects. This book focuses on providing gender and geographical location-based differences in the phytoconstituents of T. cordifolia by the liquid chromatography mass spectrometric method. These methods have potential use in the quality control of T. cordifolia and the screening of herbal preparations. Features: Compilation of ayurvedic features of one of the most important plants of the Indian system of medicines. Useful for all ayurvedic practitioners, researchers, faculty, students, and herbal product manufacturers. Application of advance hyphenated LC-MS techniques for variation study in phytoconstituents.
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Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Piper
Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Piper
Piper is the representative genus of family Piperaceae. Piper species are pan-tropical in distribution and found in both the hemispheres. As the king of all spices, black pepper, Piper nigrum, led to the global expeditions culminating in the discovery of India and the new world. Piper species have been reported to possess various pharmacological activities such as insecticidal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, anti-hypertensive, antithyroid, antitumor activities and hepatoprotective properties. Botanical authentication of the plants of Piper species is difficult because of the morphological similarity among the species. This book describes ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole electrospray tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) mode to study the quantitative variation of thirteen bioactive markers in different plant parts of ten Piper species. Features: Collection of Ayurvedic features and scientific evidence of the most important medicinal plants of Piper species. Describes chemical signatures for identification of Piper species. Provides easy-to-use analytical procedure for quality control of Piper species and its products.
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Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Rauvolfia
Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Rauvolfia
Rauvolfia species, commonly known as Sarpagandha, has been traditionally used in Ayurveda for curing high blood pressure, hypertension, snake bites, fever, and mental illnesses. Due to its wide variety and differences in chemical composition, it is necessary to develop an efficient and reliable method for rapid screening and determination of phytochemicals in the extracts of the Rauvolfia species. This book will provide qualitative and quantitative comparative phytochemical investigations of selected medicinal plants from the Rauvolfia genus using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) techniques. The results will help in assuring the efficacy and safety of Rauvolfia herbal products. Features: Collection of Ayurvedic features and scientific evidence of important medicinal plants. Discusses chemical signatures for the identification of Rauvolfia (Sarpagandha) and its products. Easy-to-use analytical procedure for quality control of Rauvolfia and its products.
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Solar Energy From Cells To Grid
Solar Energy From Cells To Grid
The book is a collection of recent research findings in the area of solar energy. This book is intended for professionals working in the field of solar energy, including researchers, teachers, scientists, engineers, and technologists. Keeping in view that there is abundant literature available on characteristics of sunlight and basics of semiconductors physics behind the working of solar cells, this book is taking a lead to introduce the reader with recent research findings. This book includes details of silicon solar cell, dye-sensitized solar cell, perovskite solar cell, third generation silicon quantum well solar cell, crystalline-silicon solar photovoltaic module, effect of shading on power output of a solar cell, performance study of megawatt scale power plant and design optimization method for power plants to maximize energy and power output from a given area. It is recommended that the professionals must have a copy of this book.
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Phytochemistry of Piper betle Landraces
Phytochemistry of Piper betle Landraces
Piper betle (betel vine) a pan-Asiatic, tropical plant, which can also grow under mild subtropical areas, is essentially grown for leaves which are chewed with array of additives besides slaked lime. The plant is cultivated widely in India and its surrounding areas. Phytochemistry of Piper betel landraces presents a brief on the distribution, historical and cultural aspects, and properties ascribed to this plant in the ancient texts. Phytochemical and pharmacological information has also been included to underscore the importance of this plant in the present time. A detailed account on metabolic profiling employing modern methods is included, such as real-time, direct analysis of the flight mass spectrometric method and chemometric analysis for characterization of the available biodiversity and signatures specific to gender and geographical location. It was also possible to identify the gender of unknown landraces, with the help of principal component analysis. Features: Elaborates on the chemical diversity within Piper betle. Piper betle leaves have mouth freshening antimicrobial compounds. Use of chemical signatures for the identification of different Piper betle landraces, their gender and geographical locations.
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