Making Sense of Speaking in Tongues
Many believers struggle with both practical and theological questions about the baptism in the Spirit and speaking in tongues. Church members and college students alike often ask questions such as: • Are you less of a Christian if you don’t speak in tongues? • Is there something wrong with you if you have not received the baptism in the Spirit? • Why is the sign of Spirit baptism speaking in tongues? • Doesn’t Paul say that not everyone speaks in tongues? Brian W. Lidbeck, who frequently speaks in churches and holds seminars on the Holy Spirit, answers these questions and many more in this book, which includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter. The author observes that while speaking in tongues seems like a mysterious and strange practice to many people, Christ is at the center of this gift. As you read, you’ll dispel erroneous ideas about tongues and discover how taking a Christ-centered approach can relieve fears about seeking a baptism in the Spirit.