Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas
Chapter 1 describes practical tasks that can be solved by using formulas. In Chapter 2, you learn the usage of logical functions that are often used in combination with other functions. Chapter 3 shows how text functions are used. You will often need these functions when working with text in tables or if the text needs to be changed or adapted, especially when it is imported into Excel from other applications. In Chapter 4, you learn about the date and time functions in Excel. Times and dates are automatically converted inside Excel to the number format, which makes it easier to perform calculations. With Chapter 5, you delve into the secrets of working with statistics in Excel. Chapter 6 describes the most commonly used functions for mathematics and trigonometry, along with easy-to-follow tasks. The most common function here is the SUM function, with which you may already be familiar. However, you may be surprised about the additional possibilities shown. If you want to learn more about functions for financial mathematics, study Chapter 7. Here you will find examples of how to calculate depreciation of an asset and how long it takes to pay back a loan using different interest rates. With Chapter 8, you get into the secrets of database functions. There are a variety of functions explained that can be used for evaluation of data, especially when using different criteria. Chapter 9 is about lookup and reference functions inside Excel. With these functions, you can address data in various ranges and look up values in a reference. Chapter 10 goes into the depth of conditional formatting. Even though this feature has been available since Excel 97, there are new features that allow you to express information without programming. Chapter 11 introduces dynamic array formulas. The way that Excel now manages arrays is vastly different than how it has managed them in previous versions. There is less work on your part compared with legacy array formulas requiring ‘Ctrl+Shift+Enter’ (CSE). With these you learn how to perform multiple calculations and then return either a single result or multiple results. Chapter 12 shows special solutions with formulas, such as creating a function to color all cells containing formulas inside an Excel spreadsheet. Chapter 13 goes even deeper into user-defined functions with examples that use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) inside Excel. This chapter will show you how to solve problems even when Excel cannot calculate an answer. With Chapter 14, we present some examples of tasks that combine several functions shown in the previous chapters. Use these to get more experience. Read the description of the task first and try to determine the functions that are needed to get the desired result. Compare your solution to the one shown beneath the task. Chapter 15 details a few features that will enhance how you develop, test, and present the Excel products you create for efficiency. Chapter 16 provides functions pertaining to data analytics. This chapter displays rudimentary examples of how to report on and select from data. Chapter 17 guides you through some of the more common shortcut keys. These save time and allow you to get around Excel with less keystrokes. Appendix A provides an overview of the current versions of Excel. This includes Excel 2021 for Windows, the primary version used for the images and examples in the text. The interface for Macintosh is also covered; the appearance of this version is different, but it can perform the same calculations. The Excel Web App available as part of the Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365 is also demonstrated in this appendix; it has limited functionality compared with the complete installations, but it still has significant capacity for performing calculations. Have fun reading the book and exploring the many useful functions, formulas, and features you will discover here.