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Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing
Stop pushing your message out and start pulling your customers in Traditional "outbound" marketing methods like cold-calling, email blasts, advertising, and direct mail are increasingly less effective. People are getting better at blocking these interruptions out using Caller ID, spam protection, TiVo, etc. People are now increasingly turning to Google, social media, and blogs to find products and services. Inbound Marketing helps you take advantage of this change by showing you how to get found by customers online. Inbound Marketing is a how-to guide to getting found via Google, the blogosphere, and social media sites. • Improve your rankings in Google to get more traffic • Build and promote a blog for your business • Grow and nurture a community in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. • Measure what matters and do more of what works online The rules of marketing have changed, and your business can benefit from this change. Inbound Marketing shows you how to get found by more prospects already looking for what you have to sell.
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Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated
Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated
Attract, engage, and delight customers online Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated: Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online is a comprehensive guide to increasing online visibility and engagement. Written by top marketing and startup bloggers, the book contains the latest information about customer behavior and preferred digital experiences. From the latest insights on lead nurturing and visual marketing to advice on producing remarkable content by building tools, readers will gain the information they need to transform their marketing online. With outbound marketing methods becoming less effective, the time to embrace inbound marketing is now. Cold calling, e-mail blasts, and direct mail are turning consumers off to an ever-greater extent, so consumers are increasingly doing research online to choose companies and products that meet their needs. Inbound Marketing recognizes these behavioral changes as opportunities, and explains how marketers can make the most of this shift online. This not only addresses turning strangers into website visitors, but explains how best to convert those visitors to leads, and to nurture those leads to the point of becoming delighted customers. Gain the insight that can increase marketing value with topics like: Inbound marketing – strategy, reputation, and tracking progress Visibility – getting found, and why content matters Converting customers – turning prospects into leads and leads into customers Better decisions – picking people, agencies, and campaigns The book also contains essential tools and resources that help build an effective marketing strategy, and tips for organizations of all sizes looking to build a reputation. When consumer behaviors change, marketing must change with them. The fully revised and updated edition of Inbound Marketing is a complete guide to attracting, engaging, and delighting customers online.
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Create remarkable content, convert more leads, and retain more customers Your customers don't care about you. They care about themselves and the solutions they need. When you ignore or don't listen hard enough to your existing customers, you can't provide the solution that they're looking for, which ultimately drives them to your competition. Inbound focuses on maximizing customer conversion and retention through customer-centric marketing tactics. Learn how to create remarkable customer-centric content Explains how to convert more leads and customers through personalization Describes ways to use marketing as a tool for customer retention Details how to align sales and marketing to get contented customers Get the advice you need in Inbound to effectively align sales and marketing to convert more leads, create remarkable content, and get contented customers.
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Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
"The Grateful Dead broke almost every rule in the music industry book ... By cultivating a dedicated, active community, collaboration with their audience to co-create the Deadhead lifestyle, and giving away 'freemium' content, the Dead pioneered many social media and inbound marketing concepts successfully used by businesses across all industries today. Written by marketing gurus and lifelong Deadheads David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan, 'Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead' gives you key innovations ... you can apply to your business ..."--Page 4 of cover.
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Inbound Selling
Inbound Selling
Change the way you think about sales to sell more, and sell better. Over the past decade, Inbound Marketing has changed the way companies earn buyers’ trust and build their brands – through meaningful, helpful content. But with that change comes unprecedented access to information in a few quick keystrokes. Enter the age of the empowered buyer, one who no longer has to rely on a sales rep to research their challenges or learn more about how a company’s offering might fit their needs. Now, with more than 60% of purchasing decisions made in the absence of a sales rep, the role of the rep itself has been called into question. With no end in sight to this trend, sales professionals and the managers who lead them must transform both the way they think about selling and how they go about executing their sales playbook. Expert author and HubSpot Sales Director, Brian Signorelli has viewed the sales paradigm shift from the inside—his unique insights perfectly describe the steps sales professionals must take to meet the needs of the empowered customer. In this book, readers will learn: How inbound sales grew out of inbound marketing concepts and practices A step-by-step approach for sales professionals to become inbound sellers What it really means to be a frontline sales manager who leads a team of inbound sellers The role executive leadership plays in affecting an inbound sales transformation For front-line seller, sales manager, executives, and other sales professionals, Inbound Selling is the complete resource to help your business thrive in the age of the empowered buyer.
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Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing
"Inbound Marketing" gibt Ihnen die Tools und Strategien an die Hand, die Sie benötigen, um Ihr Google-Ranking zu verbessern, einen Blog zu erstellen, eine Community zu entwickeln und zu pflegen sowie zu analysieren, welche Ihrer Online-Marketing-Bemühungen funktionieren.
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Inbound Marketing--Thu Hút Thế Giới Về Với Bạn Trong Môi Trường Trực Tuyến
Thế giới đang bước vào kỷ nguyên của những cuộc chuyển dịch. Những cách thức sử dụng các công cụ trực tuyến để tối ưu tiện ích cho người mua đồng thời tiết kiệm chi phí và thời gian cho người bán ngày càng bùng nổ, dẫn đầu trong số đó là inbound marketing. Từ việc gián đoạn hoạt động của khách hàng để phát đi những thông điệp về sản phẩm - phát tờ rơi nơi ngã tư, chen đoạn quảng cáo vào bộ phim đang chiếu, thực hiện các cuộc gọi mời chào sản phẩm... - chúng ta chuyển sang cung cấp những thông tin hấp dẫn, hữu ích trên chính trang web của mình để thu hút khách hàng truy cập, tìm đến. Với inbound marketing, chúng ta mở ra cuộc đối thoại hai chiều cùng khách hàng thay vì một chiều như cách thức truyền thống.Trong cuốn sách Inbound Marketing, bạn sẽ tìm thấy hàng loạt chiến lược phát triển dựa vào các công cụ như Instagram, Foursquare, Google+, Twitter... Những nền tảng này vẫn không ngừng được phát triển và đưa ra thị trường. Tính đến cuối năm 2018, Twitter có 330 triệu người dùng, Facebook phát triển lên đến 2,07 tỷ người dùng, Instagram cán mức 800 triệu người dùng... Tầm quan trọng của internet đã và đang thực sự bùng nổ với hơn 4 tỷ người truy cập trên toàn thế giới. Tiếp cận khách hàng bằng các công cụ trực tuyến chưa bao giờ dễ dàng đến thế.Bạn sẽ tìm thấy hàng trăm ý tưởng, công cụ và kỹ thuật thực tiễn có thể áp dụng ngay cho chính doanh nghiệp của mình trong Inbound Marketing. Quyển sách này được viết bởi hai chuyên gia marketing Brian Halligan và Dharmesh Shah - những người khai sinh thuật ngữ inbound marketing và ứng dụng nó để xây dựng Hubspot.Hãy khám phá những kiến thức thú vị, dễ hiểu trong Inbound Marketing để tham gia ngay vào cuộc cách mạng này và tận hưởng thành quả được tìm kiếm bởi những khách hàng tiềm năng...
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Blood on the Tracks
Blood on the Tracks
“We are not worth more, they are not worth less.” This is the mantra of S. Brian Willson and the theme that runs throughout his compelling psycho-historical memoir. Willson’s story begins in small-town, rural America, where he grew up as a “Commie-hating, baseball-loving Baptist,” moves through life-changing experiences in Viet Nam, Nicaragua and elsewhere, and culminates with his commitment to a localized, sustainable lifestyle. In telling his story, Willson provides numerous examples of the types of personal, risk-taking, nonviolent actions he and others have taken in attempts to educate and effect political change: tax refusal—which requires simplification of one’s lifestyle; fasting—done publicly in strategic political and/or therapeutic spiritual contexts; and obstruction tactics—strategically placing one’s body in the way of “business as usual.” It was such actions that thrust Brian Willson into the public eye in the mid-’80s, first as a participant in a high-profile, water-only “Veterans Fast for Life” against the Contra war being waged by his government in Nicaragua. Then, on a fateful day in September 1987, the world watched in horror as Willson was run over by a U.S. government munitions train during a nonviolent blocking action in which he expected to be removed from the tracks and arrested. Losing his legs only strengthened Willson’s identity with millions of unnamed victims of U.S. policy around the world. He provides details of his travels to countries in Latin America and the Middle East and bears witness to the harm done to poor people as well as to the environment by the steamroller of U.S. imperialism. These heart-rending accounts are offered side by side with inspirational stories of nonviolent struggle and the survival of resilient communities Willson’s expanding consciousness also uncovers injustices within his own country, including insights gained through his study and service within the U.S. criminal justice system and personal experiences addressing racial injustices. He discusses coming to terms with his identity as a Viet Nam veteran and the subsequent service he provides to others as director of a veterans outreach center in New England. He draws much inspiration from friends he encounters along the way as he finds himself continually drawn to the path leading to a simpler life that seeks to “do no harm.&rdquo Throughout his personal journey Willson struggles with the question, “Why was it so easy for me, a ’good’ man, to follow orders to travel 9,000 miles from home to participate in killing people who clearly were not a threat to me or any of my fellow citizens?” He eventually comes to the realization that the “American Way of Life” is AWOL from humanity, and that the only way to recover our humanity is by changing our consciousness, one individual at a time, while striving for collective cultural changes toward “less and local.” Thus, Willson offers up his personal story as a metaphorical map for anyone who feels the need to be liberated from the American Way of Life—a guidebook for anyone called by conscience to question continued obedience to vertical power structures while longing to reconnect with the human archetypes of cooperation, equity, mutual respect and empathy.
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The Sorrow of Norfolk County
The autobiography of the recording artist Brian Phelps "Frostbite", including his world travels, his military stint and his searching for truth, himself and the like. This story covers 15 years, countless miles and almost as many "cast members" as "War and Peace".
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I Am Brian Wilson
I Am Brian Wilson
'My life has been written about over and over again, and that's mostly okay with me. Other people can talk about my life. Sometimes they'll get it right and sometimes they'll get it wrong. For me, when I think back across my own life, there are so many things that are painful. Sometimes I don't like discussing them. Sometimes I don't even like remembering them. But as I get older, the shape of that pain has changed. Sometimes memories come back to me when I least expect them. Maybe that's the only way it works when you've lived the life I've lived: starting a band with my brothers that was managed by my father, watching my father become difficult and then impossible, watching myself become difficult and then impossible, watching women I loved come and go, watching children come into the world, watching my brothers get older, watching them pass out of the world. Some of those things shaped me. Others scarred me. Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference. When I watched my father fly into a rage and take swings at me and my brothers, was that shaping or scarring? When we watched him grow frustrated with his day job and take solace in music, was that shaping or scarring? Those are all memories but I can't get to them all at once. I've had a whole lifetime to take them in. Now I have a whole book to put them out there.' Excerpt from I Am Brian Wilson
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