The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm
There has been a paradigm shift in the world of Christianity. Only those who are sensitive to the heart of God can perceive this shift. In this shift a new breed of Christians has evolved. Many of these worshipping warriors were once wounded and left to die on the battlefield of ministry, but God, never leaving or forsaking them, searched and rescued them, and is now restoring them to their rightful position in Him. These once battlefield-ridden soldiers are armed with new knowledge and wisdom from the Holy Spirit to impact and influence their generation. They are poised to do great exploits, because they "know their God" (Daniel 11:32). In the S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm, Author Brian Evans, presents a pattern for assuming the posture of the worshipping warrior, thereby, preparing the mature God-Seekers for an authentic experience with God. The result is knowing God how he originally intended to be known. The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm teaches one how to recover from a "faith collapse" by employing the "Three C's" (content, continuity, and condition) of promise interpretation, how to enter into the presence of God through the "Five Porticos" of prayer, and finally, how to maintain a daily attitude of worship by embracing the "God Paradox." Prepare for a paradigm shift...prepare to experience God! S.---Spend Time With God P.---Ponder The Scriptures E.--Expect An Encounter A.--Align With God's Will R.--Release The Love Of God