Student-Managed Investment Funds
Student-Managed Investment Funds: Organization, Policy, and Portfolio Management, Second Edition, helps students work within a structured investment management organization, whatever that organizational structure might be. It aids them in developing an appreciation for day-to-day fund operations (e.g., how to get portfolio trade ideas approved, how to execute trades, how to reconcile investment performance), and it addresses the management of the portfolio and the valuation/selection process for discriminating between securities. No other book covers the "operational" related issues in SMIFs, like organizations, tools, data, presentation, and performance evaluation. With examples of investment policy statements, presentation slides, and organizational structures from other schools, Student-Managed Investment Funds can be used globally by students, instructors, and administrators alike. - Addresses the basics of valuation as well as issues related to maintaining compliance, philosophy, performance measurement, and evaluation - Provides explanations and examples about organizing a student-managed fund - Reviews fundamental stock valuation approaches like multi-stage DDM, FCF, and price multiples