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Rearticulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning
Rearticulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning
Brian Huot's aim for this book is both ambitious and provocative. He wants to reorient composition studies' view of writing assessment. To accomplish this, he not only has to inspire the field to perceive assessment--generally not the most appreciated area of study--as deeply significant to theory and pedagogy, he also has to counter some common misconceptions about the history of assessment in writing. In (Re)Articulating Writing Assessment, Huot advocates a new understanding, a more optimistic and productive one than we have seen in composition for a very long time. Assessment, as Huot points out, defines what is valued by a teacher or a society. What isn't valued isn't assessed; it tends to disappear from the curriculum. The dark side of this truth is what many teachers find troubling about large scale assessments, as standardized tests don't grant attention or merit to all they should. Instead, assessment has been used as an interested social mechanism for reinscribing current power relations and class systems.
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Guide to College Writing Assessment
Guide to College Writing Assessment
While most English professionals feel comfortable with language and literacy theories, assessment theories seem more alien. English professionals often don’t have a clear understanding of the key concepts in educational measurement, such as validity and reliability, nor do they understand the statistical formulas associated with psychometrics. But understanding assessment theory—and applying it—by those who are not psychometricians is critical in developing useful, ethical assessments in college writing programs, and in interpreting and using assessment results. A Guide to College Writing Assessment is designed as an introduction and source book for WPAs, department chairs, teachers, and administrators. Always cognizant of the critical components of particular teaching contexts, O’Neill, Moore, and Huot have written sophisticated but accessible chapters on the history, theory, application and background of writing assessment, and they offer a dozen appendices of practical samples and models for a range of common assessment needs. Because there are numerous resources available to assist faculty in assessing the writing of individual students in particular classrooms, A Guide to College Writing Assessment focuses on approaches to the kinds of assessment that typically happen outside of individual classrooms: placement evaluation, exit examination, programmatic assessment, and faculty evaluation. Most of all, the argument of this book is that creating the conditions for meaningful college writing assessment hinges not only on understanding the history and theories informing assessment practice, but also on composition programs availing themselves of the full range of available assessment practices.
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Rearticulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning
Rearticulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning
Brian Huot's aim for this book is both ambitious and provocative. He wants to reorient composition studies' view of writing assessment. To accomplish this, he not only has to inspire the field to perceive assessment--generally not the most appreciated area of study--as deeply significant to theory and pedagogy, he also has to counter some common misconceptions about the history of assessment in writing. In (Re)Articulating Writing Assessment, Huot advocates a new understanding, a more optimistic and productive one than we have seen in composition for a very long time. Assessment, as Huot points out, defines what is valued by a teacher or a society. What isn't valued isn't assessed; it tends to disappear from the curriculum. The dark side of this truth is what many teachers find troubling about large scale assessments, as standardized tests don't grant attention or merit to all they should. Instead, assessment has been used as an interested social mechanism for reinscribing current power relations and class systems.
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Guide to College Writing Assessment
Guide to College Writing Assessment
While most English professionals feel comfortable with language and literacy theories, assessment theories seem more alien. English professionals often don’t have a clear understanding of the key concepts in educational measurement, such as validity and reliability, nor do they understand the statistical formulas associated with psychometrics. But understanding assessment theory—and applying it—by those who are not psychometricians is critical in developing useful, ethical assessments in college writing programs, and in interpreting and using assessment results. A Guide to College Writing Assessment is designed as an introduction and source book for WPAs, department chairs, teachers, and administrators. Always cognizant of the critical components of particular teaching contexts, O’Neill, Moore, and Huot have written sophisticated but accessible chapters on the history, theory, application and background of writing assessment, and they offer a dozen appendices of practical samples and models for a range of common assessment needs. Because there are numerous resources available to assist faculty in assessing the writing of individual students in particular classrooms, A Guide to College Writing Assessment focuses on approaches to the kinds of assessment that typically happen outside of individual classrooms: placement evaluation, exit examination, programmatic assessment, and faculty evaluation. Most of all, the argument of this book is that creating the conditions for meaningful college writing assessment hinges not only on understanding the history and theories informing assessment practice, but also on composition programs availing themselves of the full range of available assessment practices.
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This bibliography provides an alphabetical listing of over 1500 articles, books, and dissertations that treat in some way the topic of clitics and related matters, e.g. affixes, words, word order, movement, sandhi, etc. The beginning point for the bibliographic entries is 1892, taking Jacob Wackernagel's classic work as the point of departure, and the entries cover the subsequent 100-year period. Each entury is accompanied by a series of descriptors which give an indication of the content of the item. Nearly one-third of the book is a detailed analytic index, based on the descriptors, which can aid in topical searches for relevant material. Prefatory matter includes an essay “What is a Clitic?” by Arnold M. Zwicky, a brief consideration of Wackernagel's scholarly career by Brian D. Joseph, and information on the format and use of the book itself.
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The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook
The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook
The ongoing turbulence in the global financial markets has drawn attention to an alternative system of financial intermediation: Islamic banking and finance. This is now one of the fastest growing sectors within the market place and has, so far, remained on the sidelines of this unrest. Since the inception of Islamic banking thirty years ago the number and reach of Islamic financial institutions worldwide has risen significantly. Institutions offering Islamic financial services constitute a significant and growing share of the financial system in several countries, and market participants everywhere are joining the race to study and be a part of this emerging financial system. The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook is a one-of-a-kind workbook on the topic, enabling readers to test their understanding of Islamic banking and finance concepts. Although suitable as a standalone learning tool, the book is designed to test the information covered in the companion book, Introduction to Islamic Finance and Banking, and covers the fundamentals of Sharia'a law, the Islamic contracts interpretations and definitions, Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Istisna'a, Salam and Ijara modes of finance, Takaful and much more. Emphasis is placed on mini case studies, multiple choice questions and tests of the basic concepts. It also includes a full answer key and brief chapter summaries, as well as learning objectives. The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook is an essential learning tool for students and practitioners who want to test their knowledge of the rapidly growing world of Islamic banking and finance.
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Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery Volume II E-Book
Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery Volume II E-Book
Stay up to date with the latest advances in avian medicine! Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery, Volume II, brings a wealth of new information on the medical care of avian species with practical approaches to diagnosis and therapy of psittacines and other birds. With many of the topics not previously covered in the first volume, the two books are complementary to one another and provide any veterinarian with an interest in avian medicine, whether novice or expert, the latest advances in internal medicine, anesthesia, analgesia, and surgery. Sections dedicated to behavior and welfare, neonatology and pediatrics, conservation, and practice management explore important, but less commonly discussed aspects of avian practice. With contributions from globally recognized experts on avian medicine, this is a must-have resource for anyone seeking to enhance and expand their expertise and skills in avian healthcare, welfare, and conservation. - With the exception of updates on relevant, current topics, the information presented in this volume predominantly includes material not previously covered in the first volume - The many photographs, illustrations, and comprehensive tables included in this volume visually highlight key concepts of current avian practice standards - Sections on pediatrics, falconry, toucans and hornbills feature specific topics which are less comprehensively included in most references - Focused sections on the respiratory system, the beak and skull, feathers, and feet offer detailed information on these particular anatomical regions - Pharmacologic intervention and options are explored in-depth to allow for clinicians to gain an optimal understanding of how to best develop treatment plans for their patients - NEW! An eBook version is included with print purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud - Current Therapy format provides up-to-date information about patient management of specific disorders, including innovations in therapy and the pros and cons of proposed treatments - Coverage of a wide variety of bird species includes psittacines, pigeons, raptors, ratites, waterfowl, gallinaceous birds, and less common species - More than 800 full-color images depict avian disease conditions, show management strategies and thought processes, and aid in formulating guidelines to care. - Summary tables simplify the lookup of key facts and treatment guidelines - Appendices provide quick access to a current drug formulary, normal biological data, clinical pathologic reference ranges, and growth and feeding charts of neonatal birds
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Teaching Mindful Writers
Teaching Mindful Writers
Teaching Mindful Writers introduces new writing teachers to a learning cycle that will help students become self-directed writers through planning, practicing, revising, and reflecting. Focusing on the art and science of instructing self-directed writers through major writing tasks, Brian Jackson helps teachers prepare students to engage purposefully in any writing task by developing the habits of mind and cognitive strategies of the mindful writer. Relying on the most recent research in writing studies and learning theory, Jackson gives new teachers practical advice about setting up writing tasks, using daily writing, leading class discussions, providing feedback, joining teaching communities, and other essential tools that should be in every writing teacher’s toolbox. Teaching Mindful Writers is a timely, fresh perspective on teaching students to be self-directed writers.
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Social Insects
Social Insects
Here is a guide to the ecology of social insects. It is intended for general ecologists and entomologists as well as for undergraduates and those about to start research on social insects; even the experienced investigator may find the comparison between different groups of social insects illuminating. Most technical terms are translated into common language as far as can be done without loss of accuracy but scientific names are unavoidable. Readers will become familiar with the name even though they cannot visualize the animal and could reflect that only a very few of the total species have been studied so far! References too are essential and with these it should be possible to travel more deeply into the vast research literature, still increasing monthly. When I have cited an author in another author's paper, this implies that I have not read the original and the second author must take responsi bility for accuracy! Many hands and heads have helped to make this book. I thank all my colleagues past and present for their enduring though critical support, and I thank with special pleasure: E. ]. M. Evesham who fashioned the diagrams; ]. Free, D. J. Stradling and]. P. E. C. Darlington who supplied photographs; D. Y. Brian and R. A. Weller who were meticulous on the linguistic side; and G. Frith and R. M. Jones who collated the references. List of plates 1. Fungus combs of Acromyrmex octospinosus and Macrotermes michaelseni. 13 2. Mouthparts of larval Myrmica.
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Promoters and Politicians
Promoters and Politicians
The history of the north-shore railways provides a case study in the complexities of industrial development in nineteenth-century Quebec. Constructed in the fifteen years following Confederation, the North Shore and the Montreal Colonization Railways reinforced Quebec's integration into a transcontinental unit. Yet bankruptcy of both companies in 1875 forced the provincial government to assume ownership of the railways and to shoulder a financial burden that kept the province preoccupied, weak, and subservient to Ottawa. Diverse political, clerical, and business interests united to construct the railways and to manoeuvre them from private companies into a public venture and ultimately into the Canadian Pacific system. The two railways brought new concentrations of capital and power that cut across French and English ethnic lines and sharpened regional rivalries. Along the south short of the St. Lawrence both French- and English-speaking inhabitants protested against the province's commitments to its north-shore railways. By the late 1870s Quebec City's English community was lobbying hard against the growing power of their English-speaking counterparts in Montreal. The north-shore railways plagued a generation of Quebec politicians, and their construction bared incompatible regional aspirations. By 1885 years of negotiation, scandal, and political blackmail culminated in the incorporation of the two north-shore railways into the Canadian Pacific system. As this study so clearly demonstrates, Quebec paid a high price in making its contribution to linking Canada by steel a mari usque ad mare.
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