A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife
This spectacularly illustrated book is the only complete guide to thewildlife and natural history of the vast and beautiful Antarcticregion. Covering the Antarctic continent, the southern ocean, and thesubantarctic islands, this guide illustrates all of the region'sbreeding birds and marine mammals with stunning colour photographs. Inaddition to the colour plates, it features distribution maps andup-to-date species accounts expertly detailing abundance, seasonalstatus, and conservation prospects. Thevolume also covers numerous nonbreeding species, migrants, andvagrants. Regional chapters describe all of the subantarctic islands,in addition to most regularly visited sites in Antarctica, and areaccompanied by maps of each area and photographs of each locale. Thesechapters present detailed information on geography, climate, geology,general ecology, and flora. They also address conservation efforts -past, present, and planned. The book concludes with practicalinformation about visiting the area, including details on thebest-available landing sites and notes on seasonal weather conditions.This is an indispensable companion for a trip far south, as well as aninformative volume for anyone interested in the Antarctic region'sremarkable, occasionally strange, and frequently beautiful animals.