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Jesus, the Christ
Jesus, the Christ
Christology, that is, the study of Jesus, is a many-faceted subject. In this new edition of Jesus, the Christ, Brennan Hill clearly and cogently explores this critical theological area, resulting in a luminous and reliable portrait of the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith. He deftly surveys both the breadth of information covered in the previous edition as well as the wealth of developments that have occurred in the field since the early 1990s. Jesus, the Christ looks at the people and places in Jesus' time, then moves to a search for the historical Jesus. Hill next looks at the many areas of Jesus' life and mission: teacher, prophet, miracle worker, man of the earth, advocate for women, savior, and liberator. He examines the main gospel stories about Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection, and illustrates how the early christological doctrines developed. This new edition is written in a more informal and accessible style, enabling students to well understand and grasp the concepts and facts about the subject. Each chapter ends with discussion questions and a list of suggestions for further reading. Jesus, the Christ is eminently readable, constantly challenging, and filled with timely information in nontechnical language. It is strongly rooted in the best of modern biblical translation, and will be welcomed by students, teachers, and the general reader alike.
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The Jesus Dialogues
The Jesus Dialogues
The Jesus Dialogues is a unique book. There is no other book that uses this interesting dialogue method to contrast and compare such an extensive number of religions. In each chapter, Jesus sits down with both women and men religious founders and leaders and talks with them on an equal basis about religious perspectives, past and present. The book is a thorough overview of Christianity, compared and contrasted with eight other religions as well as selected indigenous religions. A final chapter deals with the "why" and "how" of interfaith dialogue, which is so needed in today's diverse and global society. This book reflects the author's six decades of study and teaching in the areas of Christianity and world religions. It is based on sound scholarship, worldwide travel, and experience in interfaith dialogue. The Jesus Dialogues demonstrates that there is truth and a way to ultimacy in all religions. At the same time, listening in on these conversations reveals significant differences among religions. These dialogues help one realize that Gandhi was right when he said that we must listen to all religions in order to obtain just a glimpse of the divine.
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Unlikely Spiritual Heroes
Unlikely Spiritual Heroes
In his third Heroes volume, Brennan Hill profiles eight improbable candidates for the great things they did: - Thomas Merton, at first glance, a party-going lady's man, becomes a Trappist monk and peace activist; - Helen Prejean, a quiet religious sister, befriends and advocates for the seemingly most monstrous among us--murderers on death row; - Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, a bookish, shy son of Italian immigrants, becomes one of the most outspoken prelates of our time; - Pedro Arrupe, a medical student then priest, survives nuclear holocaust and becomes a great Jesuit leader; - Jean Donovan, a Harley-riding businesswoman, turns missionary and is martyred; - Dorothy Stang, a religious sister and schoolteacher, champions the environment and loses her life doing so; - Maximilian Kolbe, a sickly, eccentric Franciscan, turns publisher and "warrior" for peace and dies in Auschwitz trading his life for a Jewish prisoner; - Karol Wojtyla, a young Polish actor whose election to pope makes him one of the most famous men on the world stage. These unlikely heroes saw great injustice, sorrow, and violence in the world and, in their own ways--some small, some universal--sought and created love, justice, peace, and hope for our time.
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8 Freedom Heroes
8 Freedom Heroes
Following the success of the best-selling 8 Spiritual Heroes: Their Search for God, Brennan Hill further explores biographical theology-a lived theology that comes out of experiences and events. In this current volume, Hill profiles heroes of freedom-men and women who lived as emancipators, liberators, stars of social justice. From the theological insights of Bernard Häring to the humble leadership of Cesar Chavez, to the life-risking heroics of Harriet Tubman to the lifelong bravery of Susan B. Anthony, the work of these heroes has established the freedoms we enjoy today. Their stories inspire the heroes of tomorrow.
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Jesus: Center of Christianity
Jesus: Center of Christianity
Brennan R. Hill expertly reveals Jesus the person to us in this new book that collects together his Millennium Monthly articles and four new articles. He discusses Jesus as the center of Christianity; the historical Jesus; Jesus as faithful Jew; Jesus the teacher and prophet; Jesus calling us to discipleship; Jesus and women; Jesus, man of prayer; Jesus and service to the world; Jesus, man of the earth; Jesus the liberator; the baptism of Jesus; Jesus and Eucharist; Jesus and the Spirit; and Jesus and his Church.
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Religion Today
Religion Today
RELIGION TODAY An Integral Approach will challenge students of Christian Theology and satisfy curious minds searching for answers and perspective on religion in general. From the phenomenon of individuals becoming "spiritual but not religious" to multiple religions' views on homosexuality, the book uses diverse perspectives to look at how religion relates to today's society. Readers explore the thoughts and theories of psychologists, historians, experts on world religions, sociologists, social justice activists, environmentalists, feminists, experts in spirituality, evolutionists and many others in an attempt to discover a more balanced understanding of the world and be encouraged to explore their own relationship with religion through both an internal dialogue and discussions with others. Dr. Brennan Hill unveils a background on the history and basic elements of religion before diving into how religion relates to Ken Wilber's four quadrants of life: the "I," the "Thou," the "We," and the "It." From this foundation, Hill then examines the roles of spirituality, faith, and theology with regard to religion, and investigates the relationship between religion and numerous social issues that are relevant to young adults today.
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Jesus, the Christ
Jesus, the Christ
Comprehensive and up-to-date research combined with the author's great gift of communication makes this a particularly popular text for introducing the historical Jesus to college students and adults. Current issues are treated with clarity and candor.
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Christian Faith and the Environment
Christian Faith and the Environment
Although the environmental crisis has been recognized as an international threat, Christian attempts to reconcile their religious traditions and the earth are just beginning. 'Christian Faith and the Environment' challenges churches to take a stand for environmental concerns. Hill explores how twentieth-century theologians such as Karl Rahner, Bernard Lonergan, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have taught Christians to build bridges between Christianity and creation. Examining sacramental rites, church documents, and feminist theological insights on ecology, Hill outlines a Christian environmental spirituality and traces the ethical challenges posed by our new awareness of our environment.
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Business-to-Business Marketing
Business-to-Business Marketing
This volume examines views that argue business to business marketing is simply a variant of consumer marketing or is only concerned with inter-organizational relationship management.
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A General Register of all the Lodges and Grand Londges of Freemasons in North America
A General Register of all the Lodges and Grand Londges of Freemasons in North America
Reprint of the original. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historical books as reprints. Due to their age, these books may have missing pages or inferior quality. Our aim is to preserve these books and make them available to the public so that they do not get lost.
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