The Dead Walk
15 tales of zombie horror from an amazing group of up and coming authors. "Spiders in from the Garden" By Jason R Davis, "The Waking Man" By Guy Burtenshaw, "Afterlife Death" By Jeremy Thompson, "Plague Ferry" By Matthew Pedersen, "They Walk the Night" By Kevin A Harris, "Thirty Seconds" By Eugene Gramelis, "Requiem for the Living" By Timothy A Wiseman, "A Flash of Light" By Stuart Conover, "Zombi 6: Salvation" By James Park, "SURVIVALISM" By Amy Braun, "Six" By Daniel DeLong, "The Season" By Brendan Wilhelm, "The Le Ka Massacre" By Joseph Rubas, "Virulent" By Eric Morgner, and "Zen and the Art of Bicycle Delivery" By Michael Seese