As a young girl, I always feared the Almighty God. I was born and raised in Baltimore City, a second child among six siblings, and raised by a truly wonderful woman of God, Rev. Dr. Frances L Waters. I, too, have grown to become a warrior for the sake of God, knowing that I had a calling on my life. I was led not only to reveal God's power by becoming a minister for Christ but also to share my experiences in life to those who may feel and think there is no hope. I'm expecting my story of events to touch deep into someone's heart that may have endured such trauma and pain in their life, and to let them know that God has the healing power for anything we face in this life. I am a true witness to those that have little faith in this powerful and Almighty God. Allow yourselves to put just a little of your faith and trust in this powerful God. I want to brag on his Grace and Mercy like how he reached down so far while I was at my lowest point in life and he rescued me. I am no longer afraid of what others may think of me. Once I publish my book and allow my light to shine, I want to show others His power to empower people. I believe in myself and feel that writing this book is a part of my life's purpose. I know I am placed on this earth to empower and uplift some bowed-down heads. My motto in life is as follows: All things happen for a reason. Place all your fears, worries, frustrations, and loss of hope in the hands of the Almighty God. My desire is to convince, uplift, and inspire people about this awesome God. All I have done this far in my life is brag about what our God can do. Remember the purpose of this book! Everything I'll go through has the potential to help someone along the way. I have the desire to use my book as a tool to leverage for a greater purpose, a meaningful movement, and a bigger mission for the sake of the Almighty God--a rape victim trusting God while being blindfold by the enemy.