Juvenile Delinquency: The Core
Succinct but thoroughly cutting edge, Siegel and Welsh's JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: THE CORE, 4e presents theory, policy, and the latest research in one value-priced, student-friendly paperback. This brief text is acclaimed for its authority and balance as well as the authors' ability to completely engage students in the juvenile delinquency course. In under 500 pages, Siegel and Welsh help students understand the nature of delinquency, its causes and correlates, and current strategies being used to control or eliminate its occurrence. The authors review recent legal cases, research studies, and policy initiatives. A new boxed feature emphasizes success stories in intervention, while new career profiles give students invaluable insight into potential career paths--from those who live them every day. Completely current, the Fourth Edition includes enhanced and expanded coverage of emerging policies and programs, juvenile hate crime, social reaction and labeling theories, learning problems and delinquency, gangs, drugs, and capital punishment for juveniles. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.