Injury Prevention for Young Children
Unintentional injuries, including car crashes, drowning, burns, poisoning, and suffocation, are a leading cause of death to young children. Child abuse, infectious diseases, and food poisoning also affect children under five. This bibliography provides information useful to those who care for young children, who are doing research on how to prevent injuries, or who supervise or train people who care for children either in child care or home settings. The volume is organized by types of injuries, and each section includes references providing information about prevalence, risk factors, specific hazards, and prevention techniques for the the injury area. Unintentional injuries, including car crashes, drowning, burns, poisoning, and suffocation, are a leading cause of death to young children. Child abuse, infectious diseases, and food poisoning also affect children under five. This bibliography provides information useful to those who care for young children, who are doing research on how to prevent injuries, or who supervise or train people who care for children either in child care or home settings. The volume is organized by types of injuries, and each section includes references providing information about prevalence, risk factors, specific hazards, and prevention techniques for the injury area. The opening chapter of the book includes references that address injury prevention in general or more than one injury class as well as curriculum guides and other training materials addressing more than one injury class. The remaining chapters address individual injury classes. Each chapter opens with a summary of findings related to the injury prevention topic.