Words from Those Who Care
What it is: This is a book of warm, readable, personal, informally written case studies, with a point, actually several points. Case studies are always fun to read, these are no exception. Parents of children labeled "autistic" and paraprofessionals and professionals working with the children should find this book interesting, informative, and encouraging, although realistic. The book is full of examples of behavior analysis used to help the children. The book is full of enough technical details to give parents and workers some ideas about how to solve problems, yet those details are presented in a way parents and paraprofessionals can understand them, even with humor. Who's responsible for the book: the editors are Bobby Newman, Dana Reinecke, and Leo Newman. This is the second book of this sort that Bobby has produced, the first one based on his own case studies, this one based on the case studies of a large number of people, and yet these case studies keep Bobby's easy-reading informal, humorous style. Richard W. Malott, Ph.D. Western Michigan University