How to Deal with Difficult People at Work and Home
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to deal with difficult people? If you have, you will understand the need for this book. And if you haven't, this book is your holy grail to ensure you handle encounters with seemingly complex people well. One may ask - who is a difficult person? A person who lacks empathy, compassion, and concern for others. A common trait they have is their sense of superiority. Communicating with people like this can be challenging because of their particular personality traits or emotional characteristics. You will inevitably encounter a person that falls into this category at some point in your life. It could be a family member, a colleague at work, a neighbor, a friend, a customer, or even the cashier at your favorite supermarket. When dealing with an unreasonable and toxic person, our natural reaction is to become frustrated and/or irritated. That, however, is a wrong approach as it tends to create tension. You must know how to handle such challenging behaviors to increase your chances of success in life and your career. Get your copy of this book and get ahead in life and your career.