The Life And Calling Of The Intercessor
Intercessors have been used by God to change history. Once again, God is raising up an army of intercessors to work with Him to accomplish His will on the earth. However, many intercessors live lives unnoticed and unknown by those who benefit from their work for the Lord. Many often feel alone, strange, and separated because of how they are led to pray and what they experience in their lives. This book is intended to help intercessor understand who they are and to walk more confidently in the calling that the Lord has given them. It is also a guide for those who have felt the Lord calling them into intercession to train them up in how to walk out this amazing life of serving the Lord of the all. Drawing on personal experience, interaction with many intercessors, and study of the lives of intercessors and scripture, this book gives an understanding of prayer, intercession, what the intercessor can expect to experience, and how the Lord has called us to live. Each chapter provides biblical instruction along with practical thought-provoking exercises for journaling your walk and life with the Lord in intercession.