The Cup of the Harlot
Imagine sitting at the feet of the Apostle John along with his student, Polycarp, and hearing his divinely inspired teaching that revealed what the images he described in Revelation really meant. Amazingly, now you can. Due to extensive research by noted Christian author, Bob Morley, into the “Apostolic Oral Teaching” of John that was faithfully passed on in detail by Polycarp to his students, you can find out the true meanings of such mysteries as the Mark of the Beast, the two witnesses, the fatal wound, Mystery Babylon, the beasts that will come from the sea and the land, the harvest of the earth, the number 666, the harlot on the beast, the woman and the dragon, the four horseman, and much, much more; including the truth about the Nephilim we were introduced to in Genesis. You can even learn who John said the antichrist will be. And surprisingly, none of the modern interpretations of Revelation are anything at all like John proclaimed to be the true interpretations. Unfortunately, it turns out that our current beliefs about the end times are way off the mark, and Bob will show us how our thinking strayed so far from the reality that will actually be the future of the world. As if all of that were not enough, Bob shares with us an exciting new archeological discovery that gives insight into the rituals performed by those who lived before the flood; ceremonial rituals that impacted why Jesus taught with parables, coming events of the tribulation period, and even who will populate the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. On top of that, the author who brought us such works as Unlocking God's Secrets, said to be the most comprehensive single book on Christianity ever written, uncovers in this latest major work an ancient Jewish prophecy which gives us a gigantic clue as to the actual starting year of The Great Tribulation. This is spellbinding new information that has not yet been made widely public. To cap it off, Bob unveils the exact current location of the prophetic scroll that Daniel was told must be “closed up and sealed until the time of the end.” By reading this truly fascinating, powerful, provocative and riveting new work, The Cup of The Harlot, you will learn the truth about “The End Times We Were Never taught.”