Mac OS X Lion For Dummies
The bestselling Mac guide, updated for the latest Mac OS X and now in full color! Mac OS X Lion represents a new era in the Mac operating system. This friendly guide is fully updated for the latest Mac OS X and provides everything new Mac users and users upgrading to Mac OS X Lion need to know. A bestseller in previous editions, Mac OS X Lion For Dummies covers all the cool stuff and prepares you for the quirks. So whether it's your first Mac or just an OS upgrade, you'll learn to tame your Lion with the expert advice of Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus and Dummies. Covers using the Finder, customizing Lion, adding widgets to the Dashboard, organizing and managing files and folders, searching with Spotlight, and working with Spaces Explores browsing the web with Safari, using Apple Mail and iCal, connecting a printer, performing backups with Time Machine, troubleshooting, and setting up a network Walks readers through the new features of Mac OS X Lion, including FaceTime, Photo Booth, Launchpad, Mission Control, Full-screen apps, and more Gets you up and running with iTunes, downloading fun apps from the Mac App Store, and staying entertained with videos, photos, and other multimedia You'll make your Lion roar with the friendly advice in Mac OS X Lion For Dummies.