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Imperial Secrets of Health and Longevity
Imperial Secrets of Health and Longevity
The 14 secrets of longevity of the Qing Dynasty Emperor, Qian Long, cover all aspects of living long and healthy life. This book offers Qian Long's sage advice on the role of diet, exercise, relaxation, emotions, sex, and environment in achieving long life and good health. This traditional Chinese medical theory includes self-massage, stretching, and qi gong exercise as well as how to use Chinese tonic herbs.
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Curing Hay Fever Naturally with Chinese Medicine
Curing Hay Fever Naturally with Chinese Medicine
This book explains the Chinese theory on the cause of allergic conditions. It offers many low-or no-cost home therapies to prevent and heal this widespread disease, including self-massage, Chinese patent medicines, and herbal teas.
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Chinese Medical Obstetrics
Chinese Medical Obstetrics
This book is both a study text and clinical manual on the Chinese medical treatment of obstetric conditions, or diseases women may experience during pregnancy, childbirth and shortly thereafter. However, in addition to everything one would expect to find in such a book, this text, also, includes: abstracts of recent Chinese research for most chapters; case history examples of common clinical presentations throughout the book; clinical tips at the end of each chapter from the author's personal experience; special medicinal or important acupuncture points for specific conditions; cautions or danger signs that every practitioner of Chinese medical obstetrics needs to know; and protocols for five dozen Chinese gestational, birthing, and postpartum conditions.
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Curing Arthritis Naturally with Chinese Medicine
Curing Arthritis Naturally with Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine has been relieving arthritis for 2,000 years by balancing the body and allowing its healing powers to take over. This guide provides a basic introduction to how Chinese medicine aids in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis, including Chinese self-care and home remedies, such as self- massage, magnet therapy, and Chinese patent medicines.
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The Treatment of Modern Western Medical Diseases with Chinese Medicine
The Treatment of Modern Western Medical Diseases with Chinese Medicine
This book is a textbook and clinical manual on the treatment of modern Western medical diseases with Chinese medicine. By modern Western medical diseases, we mean all the disease categories of Western medicine excluding gynecology and pediatrics. By Chinese medicine, we mean standard contemporary professional Chinese medicine as taught at the two dozen provincial Chinese medical colleges in the People's Respublic of China. The two main therapeutic modalities used in the practice of this style of Chinese medicine are acupuncture-moxibustion and the internal administration of multi-ingredient Chinese medicinal formulas. Treatment plans for each disease discussed herein are given for each of these two main modalities.
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The Successful Chinese Herbalist
The Successful Chinese Herbalist
This book is a distillation of over 20 years of knowledge from two well known American practitioners' of Chinese medicine. It is not a materia medica or a formula book. Rather it is a conversation in which the authors share both clinical and business knowledge and tips that can only be learned through years of running a practice.What is covered in this book?~ the essence of getting to the right pattern discrimination every time~how to write the best possible prescription for each patient~things to consider when deciding dosages~how to avoid the phenomenon of habituation with your herbal patients~the main toxicity issues to consider when using Chinese herbal medicine~when it is appropriate to use pills and powder extracts~how to gain better compliance when using decocted formulas~why we should avoid using the term "patent" medicine~thoughts on running a successful clinic dispensary~a sample herb-instruction form for patients~why the harmonizing formulas are the most useful category of formulas for our patient population~how to work safely with patients who are taking Western drugs~a list of the most important treatment principles in Chinese medicine.
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Sticking to the Point: A rational methodology for the step by step formulation & administration of an acupuncture treatment
Sticking to the Point: A rational methodology for the step by step formulation & administration of an acupuncture treatment
A new, revised edition of the first book for students and practitioners which explains how to do TCM style acupuncture. This book explains in depth how to do a complex, individualized TCM pattern discrimination, how to arrange and make sense of a welter of confusing signs and symptoms, and how to think using TCM terms and statement of fact. Western students and beginning practitioners will find this book an invaluable aid in honing their ability to understand and use TCM. Although specifically about acupuncture, the method presented in this book can be used to erect a TCM treatment plan using any Chinese modality Chinese herbs, Chinese dietary therapy, tui na or Chinese massage, or qi gong, Chinese energy exercises. Included in this book are the functions of the main points of acupuncture and the functions of the main two and three point combinations.
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