Need to Know Basis (extended Edition)
"Need to Know Basis (extended edition)" is a 2014 poetry and prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of select materials accepted for 2014 issues through cc&d magazine ( Down in the Dirt magazine ( Publications released 2 annual collection books this year, "Need to Know Basis (Streamined edition)" and "Need to Know Basis (extended edition)". Both collections are a similar length, but the streamined edition contains many more pieces of poetry and many more shorter pieces of prose, whiole the extended edition contains fewer pieces of poetry and much longer pieces of prose (with short poems following long stories throughout the book, and withonly a short blck of poetry at the end of the book).Writers and artists included in this book are Janet Kuypers, A. C. Lippert, Aaron Wilder, Alex Patterson, Amy Locke, Austin Harrington, Beaumont Sebos, Bill Kroger, Bill Yarrow, Bob Strother, Bradford Middleton, Brian Duggan, Brian Forrest, CEE, Cheryl Townsend, David Hernandez, David J. Tabak, Don Massenzio, Don Maurer, Doug Draime, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Edward Michel O'Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer photo , Eric Burbridge, Erica Haldi, Fritz Hamilton, I.B. Rad, Iftekhar Sayeed, Jenene Ravesloot, Jim Meirose, John Clayton Heinz, Jon Saunders, Joseph Bodie, Joshua Copeland, Justin W. Price, K. D. Walls, Katie Karambelas Hill, Kenneth DiMaggio, Liam Spencer, Liz Betz, Madison Gardler, Margaret Karmazin, Matt Marinovich, Matthew Hlady, Michael Andreoni, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike+Brennan+, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Hurley, Peter LaBerge, Rex Bromfield, Robley Browne, Ronald Brunsky, Rose E. Grier photo , Simon Perchik, Susan Rocks, Tom Roby, Wendy C. Williford, and William Masters.