Who Goes There?
"Has been styled by army critics as the best spy story that has yet been written on the Civil War….It will be read with unabated interest by those who like hairbreadth escapes." -The Dial, Volume 31, 1901 "….In his story of the American Civil War, Mr. B. K. Benson has got hold of a very promising, and practically original, central idea. Stories of temporary loss of memory are, of course, frequent enough, and the notion has, on the stage, become almost a commonplace of farce. But Mr. Benson's hero is a young man who through life has been occasionally subject to such lapses, and, in spite of his idiosyncrasies, is chosen by the Federal commanders to do work first as a scout and then as a spy. He has lived in the South, and is therefore a particularly useful spy. Unfortunately a wound received while he is in the midst of the Confederate forces, disguised in Confederate uniform, brings on one of his lapses; on his recovery from the wound he has forgotten all about the war and his part in it, and takes his place in the Confederate ranks. When he recovers his memory, he has to face a very difficult moral problem….. The novel is serious as only an American novel can be." -The Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, Volume 91, 1901 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. I. THE ADVANCE. II. A SHAMEFUL DAY. III. I BREAK MY MUSKET. IV. A PERSONAGE. V. WITH THE DOCTOR IN CAMP. VI. THE USES OF INFIRMITY. VII. A SECOND DISASTER. VIII. THE TWO SOUTHS. IX. KILLING TIME. X. THE LINE OF THE WARWICK. XI. FORT WILLIS. XII. MORE ACTIVE SERVICE. XIII. JONES ON THE BLACK HORSE. XIV. OUT OF SORTS. XV. WITH THE DOCTOR ON THE RIGHT. XVI. BETWEEN THE LINES. XVII. THE LINES OF HANOVER. XVIII. THE BATTLE OF HANOVER. XIX. THE ACCURSED NIGHT. XX. THE MASK OF IGNORANCE. XXI. ONE MORE CONFEDERATE. XXII. COMPANY H. XXIII. A LESSON IN HISTORY. XXIV. BEFORE THE GREAT BATTLE. XXV. IN THE GREAT BATTLE. XXVI. A BROKEN MUSKET. XXVII. CAPTAIN HASKELL. XXVIII. BEYOND THE POTOMAC. XXIX. FOREBODINGS. XXX. TWO SHORT CAMPAIGNS. XXXI. GLOOM. XXXII. NIGHT. XXXIII. HELL. XXXIV. FALLING WATERS. XXXV. AWAKENINGS. XXXVI. THE ALPHABET. XXXVII. A DOUBLE. XXXVIII. IDENTITY. XXXIX. REPARATION. XL. CONCLUSION.