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In Defense of Things
In Defense of Things
In much recent thinking, social and cultural realms are thought of as existing prior to—or detached from—things, materiality, and landscape. It is often assumed, for example, that things are entirely 'constructed' by social or cultural perceptions and have no existence in and of themselves. Bjornar Olsen takes a different position. Drawing on a range of theories, especially phenomenology and actor-network-theory, Olsen claims that human life is fully mixed up with things and that humanity and human history emerge from such relationships. Things, moreover, possess unique qualities that are inherent in our cohabitation with them—qualities that help to facilitate existential security and memory of the past. This important work of archaeological theory challenges us to reconsider our ideas about the nature of things, past and present, demonstrating that objects themselves possess a dynamic presence that we must take into account if we are to understand the world we and they inhabit.
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“This book exhorts the reader to embrace the materiality of archaeology by recognizing how every step in the discipline’s scientific processes involves interaction with myriad physical artifacts, ranging from the camel-hair brush to profile drawings to virtual reality imaging. At the same time, the reader is taken on a phenomenological journey into various pasts, immersed in the lives of peoples from other times, compelled to engage their senses with the sights, smells, and noises of the publics and places whose remains they study. This is a refreshingly original and provocative look at the meaning of the material culture that lies at the foundation of the archaeological discipline.”—Michael Brian Schiffer, author of The Material Life of Human Beings “This volume is a radical call to fundamentally rethink the ontology, profession, and practice of archaeology. The authors present a closely reasoned, epistemologically sound argument for why archaeology should be considered the discipline of things, rather than its more commonplace definition as the study of the human past through material traces. All scholars and students of archaeology will need to read and contemplate this thought-provoking book.”—Wendy Ashmore, Professor of Anthropology, UC Riverside "A broad, illuminating, and well-researched overview of theoretical problems pertaining to archaeology. The authors make a calm defense of the role of objects against tedious claims of 'fetishism.'"—Graham Harman, author of The Quadruple Object
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Hunters in Transition
Hunters in Transition
Hunters in Transition provides a new outline of the early history of the Sámi, the indigenous population of northernmost Europe. Discussing crucial issues such as the formation of Sámi ethnicity, interaction with chieftain and state societies, and the transition from hunting to reindeer herding, the book departs from the common trope whereby native encounters with other cultures, state societies, and “modernity”, are depicted mainly in negative terms. Far from always victimizing “the other”, the interaction with outside societies played a crucial role in generating and maintaining a number of features considered integral to Sámi culture. At the same time the authors also emphasize internal processes and dynamics and show how these have greatly contributed to the diverse historical trajectories with which this book is concerned. Listed by Choice magazine as one of the Outstanding Academic Titles of 2014
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Persistent Memories
Persistent Memories
In 1998, the Russian Arctic Coal Company decided to end more than 50 years of continuous activity in Pyramiden, in the High Arctic archipelago of Norwegian Svalbard. The remarkably abrupt abandonment left behind a mining town devoid of humans, but it was still filled with items constituting a modern industrial settlement. Today, the well-equipped Pyramiden survives as a conspicuous Soviet-era ghost town in pristine Arctic nature. Based on fieldwork studies, Persistent Memories examines how people lived and coped in this marginal town. The book is also concerned with Pyramiden's post-human biography and the way the site provokes more general reflections on possessions, heritage, and memory. Challenging the traditional scholarly hierarchy of text over images, this book stands out by using art photography as a means to address these issues and to mediate the contemporary archaeology of Pyramiden.
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Hybrid Spaces
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Samenes historie fram til 1750
Samenes historie fram til 1750
Dette er den første samlede framstillingen av eldre samisk historie. Forfatterne bygger på og problematiserer eldre og nyere forskning innenfor arkeologi, historie, religionsvitenskap, etnografi og lingvistikk, og presenterer en omfattende oversikt over eldre samisk historie. Forfatterne diskuterer aktuelle spørsmål som tilkomst av samisk etnisitet, eksistensen av samiske rettigheter til områder og ressurser, tamreindriftens oppkomst og prosessen rundt kristningen av samene. Sentralt i framstillingen står samenes forhold til andre samfunn. Dette er det første av i alt to bind. Gjennomillustrert.
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