Children need to learn about the past in order to better appreciate the present. In this social studies book, your fifth grade will learn to identify and even understand the role of industry and factories in the economic development of the Northeast. Let your child trace similarities and differences between then and now. Begin with this book today.
Do you know what the major industries are in your state? If not then this is the book to help you learn. If you do, then use this book to review. It is important to know your state’s major industries to better understand what natural resources are available, how they’re used and if they’re being used well. Grab a copy and start reading today.
In this book, you will read about the Law of Supply and Demand. You will slowly begin to understand why this law one of the cores of economic systems. Knowledge acquired here will help you to better make sense of why you are paying for a service or product, and if the price is actually worth it. Begin reading today.
In the context of the economy, the producers are those who create products that a country can export. The process of production is complex as some materials need to be imported. This book will not only introduce the process of production but will also showcase the different ways that goods are produced like in agriculture, trade, mining, and manufacturing. Grab a copy now.
Let’s talk about imports and exports, and how one differs from the other. This book on economics has been written specifically for third graders. Through this book, you will begin to understand how economies around the world work. You will learn about how raw products are exported by one country and imported by the next. Begin reading today.
Examine the shift of primary industries in the US in the mid-1800s. The early settlers were farmers but when factories and different industries mushroomed, the people’s lives changed dramatically. You will read about the big change in this book for fifth graders. Go ahead and grab a copy today.
It’s true that no man is an island. You can see that in economics. By reading this book, you will begin to understand how countries depend on each other for survival. For example, the US sources good from other countries in the same way that the US also provides provides for other countries. Master the topic of economic interdependence. Begin reading today.
By the end of this book, you should demonstrate understanding of the concept of money. Think of this as the first step towards a thorough understanding of economics. This book covers a brief history of the monetary system that countries around the world uses today. It also talks about how money is made and what its value is. Go ahead and grab a copy today.
Although you are still third grade, you should still learn about being an employee or an employer means. This book discusses the responsibilities and duties of being a worker and a company owner. Understanding this relationship will help build your knowledge on economics and how it works. Grab a copy and start reading today.
Don’t shelter your kids from grown-up realities including money matters. Instead, teach your children how to handle money to avoid financial regrets later on. A powerful tool that you an use to teach the young about money are references books, like this. Make money an interesting concept to learn. Start by getting a copy of this book today!