Engineering Approaches on Sustainability
In general terms, sustainability is the act of meeting our own needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Obviously, the ability of natural resources and environmental systems to support our needs is limited. erefore, the major challenge for engineers today is to design and/or operate systems that use energy and natural resources sustainably. Designing for the environment is crucial. is book presents the recent engineering approaches to sustainability from research and practice. e chapters included in this volume are from the first International Sustainability Congress organized by International Center of Sustainability (ICS) between 1-3 December 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. All chapters are peer-reviewed by both the editors and at least two independent scholars from fields relevant to the manuscript's subject area. ICS is a research and academic center for sustainability founded in 2015 and dedicated to build resilience of communities and ecosystems to environmental and socio-economic risks. ICS has an integrated approach and defines sustainability not only in terms of environment but also in terms of socio-economic process. Its mission is to produce information, to research and to practice at Micro and Macro levels in Sustainable Development with a holistic and cross-disciplinary approach.