Kiss Your Money Hello!
It's here! Your guide to a financially independent life - no more money stress! This book is a complete, modern, comprehensive guide to your personal finance life. It's the key to never having to go to a job you detest, to living every day on your own terms. Why this book? Right now, you may be browsing a few personal finance books in a library, bookstore, or even online. Why this one? Is it worth a couple of dollars and hours of your time? Here’s why. I’ve read the others. Almost every book was someone telling their own personal rags to riches tale. That’s admirable, but the likelihood that it’s even close to you and your personal situation is quite remote. What worked for them will probably not work for you. Everyone is different, every situation is unique. Some assume their readers all want to be mega-rich. In my experience, most people just want to be happy, without money stress, and have a good, fun, comfortable life. That said, if you want to be rich, I’ll show you how to do that too. So (get to the point, Bill!), why this one? Because this book is based on my experience as a financial counselor, investment advisor, and financial planner. This book is a user manual for your money! No matter who you are, there is plenty for you. We cover FIRE (Financial Independence/Retire Early). This book is the way to financial peace, to relieving the number one stressor in our lives and relationships. It’s the guide to living every day on your own terms, and never having to go to a job you no longer love, of never having to miss those important life events because, work. I’ll keep it short and simple—just the way your personal finances should be! The first word of the title is no coincidence. KISS also means Keep It Simple Silly! Maybe I’ll even make you laugh once or twice. Your household is a mini-business, only you measure success in ‘happy’, not some corporate financial metric. I’m not going to guilt-trip you about buying a latte. I’m going to convince you that doing the right things now, getting over the hump in a short period, means buying all the lattes and new cars you want, with cash, not credit, for the rest of your life. Those lattes will taste so much better, and you’ll enjoy the ride more in a car you own, not the bank. You’ll watch the former car payment money grow like weeds in your investment accounts. Can you trust me? Yes, you can. I’ve helped countless people, and I want you to do well. I want you to be happy, and enjoy this one life we get (as far as we know!). This book is for you. This is generational knowledge for your kids and parents. Who am I? When I was a kid, I was a huge superhero fan. I’d sit in the corner luncheonette and read comic books on my way home from school until the owner would throw me out. I didn’t have the money to buy them, my parents didn’t have the money to give me. I’d peek out from my bedroom at night and see my mother stressing out over a kitchen table full of bills, writing out checks and stuffing them in envelopes. Kiss your money goodbye, I heard more than once (hence, my title!). I watched my father come home from work exhausted, especially as he got older. I didn’t want to be the superhero who could fly, be invisible, shoot lasers out of my eyes, or swing from building to building on spider webs. I wanted to be the kind that could help people like my parents. That’s where the title of this book came from. Instead of paying your hard earned money out to everyone under the sun, watching each paycheck or retirement distribution fly away, you’re going to welcome it back. Hello, hard earned money! Let’s have some fun together! I became that superhero, and I believe I still am. Let’s get this party started!