This book provides an introduction to the state-of-the art in C-MEMS/ C-NEMS with an emphasis on lithographically patterned photo-polymers, carbonized in an inert atmosphere. It is obvious that we can expand our perspective considerably by learning from the traditional carbon manufacturing community where researchers deal with a much wider variety of carbon feed stocks such as coal, coconut shell, wood, agricultural wastes and industrial wastes to make all types of useful carbons. In addition to their expertise in choosing the right catalysts to end up with the desired carbon nanomaterials from any of these feedstocks, these carbon scientists works with dry and wet pyrolysis processes. Wet pyrolysis process is also known as hydrothermal carbonization, a process new to the C-MEMS/C-NEMS community. The new concepts are introduced by discussing carbon nanomaterials synthesis aided with catalysts and chemistry and detailing the microstructure of the resulting nanocarbons. The performance of carbon materials is determined to a large extent by their surface and interfacial properties. The methods to tailor the surface activity of different carbon structures, how to characterize them and the potential applications derived from the modifications achieved are also discussed.